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What's New on Fast Seduction 101 - mASF Post - “ Review: Ross Jefferies LA SS Seminar 2008”

Recent post by Baddog, February 24, 2008

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Last weekend I was fortunate enough to be invited by Ross Jefferies to attend his Basic Speed Seduction» Seminar here in LA.

For a concise summary of my experiences to date with SS in the field see this thread:
Below is a review of the seminar, and my impressions of it:

Some Highlights of the Seminar –

400 lb + guy who had fucked a stripper (he tipped her a total of $3, so Ross slapped his hand) and about 10 other chicks using speed seduction». He was there for freshener course. If you ever needed proof that physical appearance and outward form are unimportant to seduction – he’s your man – so quit making excuses!

J-Dog one of Mystery’s wings from “The Pick-up Artist” was hanging out and telling PU stories. BTW – he’s a huge SS fan, and said it was his introduction to the community, got him past his shyness around women, and is the only method that truly focuses on improving YOU as a person.

Kim – a lively buxom fan of PU, the community and Ross who served as a subject for several demonstrations on the use of patterning and hypnosis. Ross ran her up and down the arousal spectrum – and there is no way she was faking it.

The Ali-G show during interludes – Ross used Sacha Cohen and his characters as an example of the power of frame control and congruence, and what it can allow you to get away with.

Daily guided meditation with Shirlene – for grounding and control of anxiety and fear.

Ross’s hot, smart, and very challenging 19 yr old GF who sat through the whole seminar teasing and playing with him. BTW, Ross is almost 50 years old…..

…and of course, my own personal seduction Jesus, Ross himself – that "ugly" funny, arrogant, bullying, crude seduction Guru

Day 1: Friday night

Ross opened the seminar with a discussion of what separates Seducers from Masturbaters – (I told you - Ross is a CRUDE fucker!) – The basics of languaging, and how the average douchebag focuses on exactly the wrong things when trying to seduce women – The typical stuff – money, cars, looks etc, while the seducer focuses on emotions. He spoke about the different levels of female mental mapping, and how methods like Mystery Method» focus on higher levels of her map like her need for social status (and are thus both manipulative AND less effective), while SS goes right to her deepest levels of thought where her desires and fantasies live, and gives her deep satisfaction and pleasure.

He also discussed the importance of screening women for certain personality traits that make them appropriate for SS (and incidentally, more fun in bed!).

As Ross puts it – “The more selective you are, the more selection you have”

These sorts of counterintuitive, paradoxical truths were to form a consistent theme throughout the weekend, as was a Zen Buddhist (I shit you not!) philosophy of seduction. The power of a seducer’s belief system was also discussed as essential to seduction - and he dealt with questions from students who expressed the need for certainty before action with the solid advice of moving forward and taking action in spite of anxiety (but a seasoned PUA already knows this!) around women, and to “embrace uncertainty”.

Finally, he went over some basic PU tactics designed to get women engaged in interacting with the PUA in a positive way – this involved throwing her a bit off balance (breaking her state), and then re-directing her thoughts and imagination into pleasure and satisfaction. Essentially you learn how to “hijack” her emotional responses and open her up to sex.

Day 2: Saturday –

This day was all about “vibes” , State control (yours) and dealing with anxiety.

SS is in a different place than where it was on the tapes I have – Ross is constantly improving and changing it. Your vibe is what forms the basis of modern SS, and your ability to alternate between vibes appropriately. With the proper set of vibes, the basis of which is:

“I’m not your girlfriend with a penis”

…you will get more pussy than Mick Jagger with a backpack full of Viagra at a nymphomaniac clinic.

He then discussed the concept of fractionation and it’s application to SS. This boils down to ( and this is a gross oversimplification) keep the chick guessing and wondering what is happening, just happened, is going to happen, and what it all means. If this sounds confusing, it is, but Ross makes it clear how to accomplish this – in a really fun and interesting way. This is truly the “Secret” of SS, where it enters the “machine language” of her being and makes her want to fuck you.

Did I mention that it’s fun? Basically you learn how to tease and fuck with chicks minds until they get so horny they seduce YOU.

After this he went into how to control any inner anxiety and pain around women, get past paralysis by analysis and to move forward and sarge. He conceptualizes and deconstructs so called approach anxiety in ways I’ve never seen, and this was really helpful for the beginners and people who were stuck listening to the materials at home, but were too shy or fearful to put it into action. He did this by describing the relationship between the inner feelings, dialog, and images that we experience when we suffer from anxiety, or for that matter, any sort of pain.

He then worked with one guy in particular who had such intense anxiety about seducing women that he felt completely hopeless and depressed – as though he would never be able to get past his “block”:

Ross brought this guy up in front of the class and worked through this anxiety using a combination of hypnosis and guided meditation – and while he didn’t free the guy completely of anxiety – which is impossible, and probably a bad thing anyway – he helped the guy learn to control it so that he could act. After this, you could see the guy had really been changed by the experience, and had renewed optimism about dealing with women.

A guided meditation session with an assistant followed lunch – this was to introduce meditation practice to the PUA as a means of grounding oneself in the world, and moving through it with acceptance rather than resistance. It was very relaxing – so much so that I fell asleep at one point and almost feel out of my chair – this in spite of the fact that I felt intensely anxious during the exercise for some reason. Very weird experience.

Finally, Ross explained the differences between types of confidence as we move through the world, and how they apply to seduction, and how to gain this confidence.

Day 3: Sunday.

Well, the final day had arrived, and a room full of horny, PUA’s, RAFCs, AFC,s BAFCs and WBAFCs and even a few PUG’s, MPUAs, were ready to dump all this new age meditation crap and get down to BUSINESS.

Ross did not disappoint:

“Alright you horny fuckers! You came here to learn language patterns, and I’m going to give them to you, word by word, and step by step! I’ll teach you the concepts and structures that underlie them so you can construct your own!”

After a basic discussion on structuring patterns - Themes, quotes, commands, suggestions, weasel phrasing, phonetic ambiguity etc, He had his friend Kim come up for a live demonstration. Using a combination of language, kino, and anchoring, he had Kim very aroused – to the point where she flushed bright red. He pointed out what her physical responses were, and how he was mirroring and anchoring them to himself. It was absolutely amazing. At this point some of you may say that she was a willing subject, and this is true – but there is no way she was faking the way she blushed, or the connection that Ross made with her. This was one of the most important parts of the seminar – seeing Ross work live with this woman was like seeing Miles Davis play the Trumpet – This was a virtuoso at work, and I’ve personally never seen anything like it. The best part was, he fully EXPLAINED everything he was doing with her as he did it, AND IT DIDN’T MATTER, she still got horny as fuck.

After this he got into the advanced topic of stacking realities – this involves nesting and tangling the delivery of pattern content is such a way that the woman goes into a deep trance – it completely shuts down her logical brain and opens up her imagination to your commands and suggestions. Crazy, powerful stuff.

There was another meditation session in the afternoon, and then he gave out some of the most practical advice I’ve ever heard regarding dealing with voice mail, phone flakes, how to pick–up and seduce younger women, giving them orgasms, and for me, most importantly, dealing with COCKBLOCKS.

His anti-cockblock and amog strategies does not need wings to employ, won’t get your ass kicked, and are absolutely devastating; completely pre-empting the cockblock or amog before they know what hit them.

Those who have followed my posts or who have good game will know how important this is – I get let down by my wings CONSTANTLY when it comes to this, and it’s cost me literally scores of women. Well, no more. This alone would be worth the price of admission, and no, I don’t have permission to share them – You will have to ask Ross himself at a seminar

I said before in another thread that I felt like Ross Jefferies is the seduction community’s equivalent of Galileo because of the insights he has into the female mind, and the way he applied existing tools in a new way to change the way we see the world. Well, after meeting the man and watching him work, I have to add an analogy to the great jazz musician Miles Davis. Truly, seduction is as much an art as it is a science, and Ross Jefferies, like Davis before him has pushed an existing improvisational art form to new levels of cool elegance, but unlike Davis he is also a master teacher.

Truly, an amazing experience, and an amazing man.

I can't recommend his teachings highly enough. 5 out of 5 stars.

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