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What's New on Fast Seduction 101 - mASF Post - “JWS Proposed Definition for 'Alpha'”

Recent post by joseph_went_south, April 20, 200

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joseph_went_south is a member of the mASF forum.   Acronyms used in this article can be looked up on the acronyms page.  To get involved in discussions like this, you can join the mASF discussion forum at

Original discussion thread:

The terms we use on this board were either invented outright or adopted from other social or anthropological sciences. People who clamor for scientific backup for MASF terms are missing the point: What makes our terminology and our methodology valid is one thing only:


When I say we have the best social scientists in the entire world it is for that reason alone. It's not academia, or wikipedia, or some masturbating chode in an ivory tower with his walls lined with accolades from other pasty masturbaters. No, it's the FIELD EXPERIENCE. What gets real men laid with real women in real time, and consistently over time. THAT'S data that's REALLY USEFUL.

There has been so much angst over whether we all "understand" what is "alpha" or not, whether it's a "scientific" understanding, and whether we even need to understand it. I am proposing a definition here that we can put into the wiki if it doesn't generate another shit storm of nail-biting angst amongst our solid KJ community here of virgins and near virgins.

If you are among those who don't believe that the term "alpha" should ever even be uttered among PUAs, due to some unknown, mysterious harm that will come to you, then please skip this post.

ALPHA: THE dominant one, or merely, A dominant one. "Dominance" to mean dominance over one's SELF and/or one's environment. Very similar to LEADER. You can be THE leader or be A leader.

People who get hung up on academia's definitions will note the semantics: if I say LEADER, you think that the person is THE leader. But as we all know, groups morph and overlap and there can be more than one LEADER in certain circumstances. More importantly, when we talk about LEADERSHIP, we are not usually talking about getting every last chode on the planet to submit to us, but rather, we are talking about the QUALITIES of leadership, which are always useful and good for any man to cultivate, PUA or not.

Therefore, just as LEADER or LEADERSHIP can be both absolutes and relative terms, so can the term "alpha".

Therefore, "Alpha" should also refer to "the qualities that an alpha male» might posess".

There are numerous studies that show that being the leader/dominant one/alpha in our society has very little to do with being PHYSICALLY dominant, since a long long time ago in our history. Alpha traits in humans are much more complex than in animals because we have complex alliance-forming abilities that most animals do not. Close primates DO form alliances, but they don't have houses of congress and such complex systems as we do.

As I said, when I see "alpha" I also consider domination over one's own thoughts and emotions and body to be crucial. ALL the great military and history and political science writers recognized that to be a leader of men, one must first dominate one's self. This point is especially crucial for the PUA. How does this apply in field?

A woman will sleep with a man even if he doesn't show leadership over other men. But, showing he has POTENTIAL is significant to the woman's subconscious. Let's explore this a bit.

I think we can all agree that Social Proof is a great tool in the PUA arsenal. No doubt some chode will argue with me about the dearth of "scientific" literature backing up my point that women like a man with Social Proof. BORING. Social Proof WORKS. But what if one likes to do Gunwitch style, lone wolf, daytime game. How is Social Proof relevant then?

Simple. When you approach a woman, you act AS IF you are a man who gets lots of women. You talk to her AS IF she is completely safe with you, that there is nothing at all unusual about what you are doing. You MIGHT, via storytelling, imply these things. But I always viewed memorized routines as training wheels. You can simply use touch and eye contact in the same way. By simply acting normal, like you've done this many times before, you are implying the social proof. You imply that other women have accepted you and felt safe with you before. The look on your face – conveyed by the THOUGHTS you hold in your mind, can subcommunicate social proof.

Testing Tests will come, whether deliberately or unconsciously or surreptitiously. I am talking to a woman in the lineup at Starbucks. Suddenly, mid- sentence, my triple mocha latte quadruple espresso frappucino extra light appears with the barista. How do I react to the interruption? What if the barista is sexually attractive to me? Think on this: HOW DO I REACT? The targets mind is picking ALL of this up subconsciously.

Imagine now a big burly guy "accidentally" bumps into me? Those that think it's pointless to worry about being "alpha" won't have a fucking clue what to do here. Maybe I apologize and get out of his way? After all, the woman doesn't care, right? WRONG! You will lose attraction points if you handle this badly. You will GAIN attraction points if you handle this with grace. Remember, the alpha in our society is not usually the guy who can smash the face of the intruder. HOWEVER, he IS the guy who is not AFRAID of the intruder... because of the following reasons:

- he can recognize a real threat vs. a lonely chode trying to stir up trouble. The former calls for action and the latter is kinda cute. The alpha knows the difference.

- he knows how to lead and care for men and women, such that in a REAL emergency, he can have the intruder dealt with pronto.

Guys, make no mistake, if you are successful with women, then it's axiomatic you will also experience the following:

- Women will compete for your attention. An alpha will know how to use that competition to his advantage

- Men WILL get jealous. You DO stand out if you are cold approaching. This is something over 90% of men NEVER do when sober. You may almost NEVER get attacked, verbally or otherwise, but a woman concerned for her safety will always have in the back of her head the "what if". If you're uncertain, or think that being able to handle other men is totally irrelevant, then she WILL pick up on that and you'll lose comfort points.

More to come!

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