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[Written in response to some worries that have been brought up, most recently Mack-Wild and I, and some other guys i cant remember at the moment]
Greetings to everyone here on mASF, especially the newbies.
We all came here with the same initial reason, to have better interaction with the opposite sex, and society in general. We are here out of the desire to escape our less-than-desirable environments, and to escape from ourselves.
We sucked big-time. Which is why we're here.
By being here you will uncover a vast arsenal techniques, tools that will aid you in this goal to get as far away from your past suckiness as possible.
There will come a time where you must re-evaluate for yourself, once again, what you are here for. It will be a time of internal instability. You may ask for help, people may answer your call, but ultimately you must find for yourself how to regain your own balance.
Some common signs -
"I feel like i'm being a total asshole/jerk"
The only advice i can give you, when you come at this crossroads, is this: don't do this out of hatred or vengeance. You cannot find your inner peace whilst dwelling upon harsh thoughts.
The people here who are happiest and most successful are those who LOVE women, and people in general.
Some of the things you learn here may not be indicative of that nature. That's true. You may have to come across as a cold bastard at times.
But it isn't really you.
Learning to pick up girls means you have to get past that bitchy exterior to get to the nice warm goodness inside. Think M&M's. And it's the same with you too. Coming here is as much about discovering parts of yourself as it is discovering how to get the girls.
You're here to learn pick up chicks. You are also here to learn to pick up yourself.
And again, ultimately, you'll have to find your own internal balance.
After that stage, I reckon you're pretty much set. You're gonna have fun, be happy, no more inner turmoil... well, less of it anyway.
Would appreciate some comments on people who've already "been through that" and how they're doing now.
"Fuck, is this right??"
"Is this what i'm here for now?"
"I fingered a girl and i wasn't all that excited; i was thinking "techniques, techniques, techniques"..."
"Awesome, kclosed another girl, next target..."