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A key element of the game is developing mental toughness and reconditioning your central nervous system to cope with intense social pressure. You'll generally find AFCs lacking in this department, as it takes very little to shake their cage, and destroy their state, and render them ineffective. Advanced PUAs on the other hand have gradually built up a type of resistance to feelings they don't want, and through thousands of real life situations rewired their instinctual and auto-response mechanisms.
True masculinity only comes through testing yourself in situations that are extremely challenging to you personally.
Goals to demonstrate mental toughness:
being able to approach any woman, any time, any place, any logistics, any level of attractiveness
being able to approach every woman in an entire venue
having solid game solo
having great success in the field regardless of financial situation, personal life, level of alcohol consumption, or any other crutch
approaching women even when in the worst possible state
copping the worst possible rejection and continuing on like nothing happened
gaming successfully during times of personal crisis
being able to approach strongly the entire night – including after the venues shut post 5am, and still approaching women in the street
street game with women who are busy, on the phone or listening to music
having dry patches for quite a while and being even more motivated, energetic, and with such a strong frame no-one could ever tell
acting completely out of social norm without self consciousness at all
remaining totally calm in face of intense public pressure, such as someone trying to fight you, or yelling, or making social mistakes
being able to recover from times when you have a bad start to the night, have a quiet 1 hour without talking to anyone, or
Being totally carefree about missing easy opportunities, make mistakes that cost you hot booty, or missing windows of opportunity that was there for the taking
Getting to 95%, fucking it up, and using it as positive motivation
Feeling like no woman in the world is to good for you, at all times
Going out even when you least feel like it
Coping strongly with all types of failure
Being open to being taught regardless of level in the game
Being able to say no to fuck women you aren't attracted to who like you
Not being effected at all by super attractive women
Total inability to get one-itis
Able to be open to strong direct and confronting feedback
Being open to change your beliefs
Not tying your bad and negative behavior to your identity
Living in the total present, not the past at all
Not using excuses at all, ever, even if they are good ones
Being able to get into the field and practice even when you have an awesome girlfriend, even if just to be social
Meeting and interacting with 2,000+ women per year, either in person, online, or socially, with a complete learning attitude
Not letting flakes effect you at all
Never flinching
Being able to shut off any AFC tendancies
doing direct fast escalation game any time, any woman, any place
Being able to approach and game confidently and successfully with an audience watching you closely scrutinizing you
Removing the concept of jealousy from your being
Resisting any feelings of being overwhelmed, lost or frustrated
Improving constantly
Removing all insecurities from your being
Being totally cool with having a fuck buddy, or multiple girlfriends
Ability be non-emotional at all times