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What's New on Fast Seduction 101 - mASF Post - “Subtle things girls who like you do to help you out”

Recent post by Regal, May 30, 2008

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Last night I was talking to some chick I isolated from her friend to a corner of the bar we were both at. She asked me about my Tibetan Mantella pendant, which led to me telling a story about my trip to China. I thought since she was Asian (American born though... 100% ABC) she would like hearing about that.

Mid-China story, she started saying, "That's cool," with a slightly blown out tone and tried to threadcut. In the past I might have plowed ahead with the story because it's a great DHV, but I let it drop and threw in a quick VLV. Why? Because she was telling me I was blowing her out with the China story, so I listened to it, fixed the value imbalance in the interaction, and redirected the conversation to something she could DHV to me about and I could qualify her on. She started peppering me with questions after that and got really disappointed when I told her I had to leave and wouldn't be in town this weekend (she's visiting from Texas).

Anyway, long story short, I wanted to make a quick post about a few little signs that girls will give you and how paying attention to them makes a HUGE difference. Note that girls will only do these things if they LIKE you and are trying to keep the interaction going after detecting that you're on a path to blow them out or not be aggressive enough, etc.

1. She seems impatient and tries to change the topic. This means one of three things: either a) she cannot relate to the topic at hand, b) the topic is boring to her, or c) the story you're discussing is blowing her out (you're too high value for her).

The good news is... she likes you enough that she's trying to change the topic, save the interaction for you, and keep everything moving ahead! Listen to what she's saying and drop the current thread like a hot potato. You don't necessarily have to talk about whatever she leads into instead, but do talk about something more interesting / relatable, and correct attainability (make yourself more human) if she was getting blown out.

2. She keeps raising a similar objection (i.e., "I have to find my friends!" or "You're so young!"). She's telling you that this particular issue is something that's really bugging her and she can't get it off her mind... so you need to make handling it a priority. A simple, "Let's finish our drinks then go find your friends!" or, "You know it's funny, I keep ending up with more mature women... young girls are at the height of youthful beauty but I don't know, they just can't hold my attention for very long..." (thanks BradP) will do the trick.

3. She drops "hints", as in, "God, I just don't know what I'm going to do this weekend," or, "I'm so bored right now." These are big, GIGANTIC opportunities here. She's letting you know she wants to do something with you... however, do NOT jump all over it reactively, because that will raise her ASD and cause her to back down.

Instead, take a note, keep it in the back of your head, talk with her a little bit more about whatever, then, after a few minutes, take the lead and isolate her or venue change her or take her home. If she declines, push harder and insist until she agrees, because she's already told you she wants to go. She's just waiting for you to make it happen, and make her feel like YOU made it happen (which is why jumping on it when she says it doesn't work... then she'd feel like SHE made it happen, which for many women means she would see herself as inviting sex... it must be the MAN'S initiative, and for her it has to "just happen").

Just a few little tips there! Hope this is useful.

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