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Hey all, ock here with another challenge for you all who are really interested
in learning pickup.
I offer you a new challenge - from now until the end of July:
From now on, shoot first and ask questions later.
What does it mean?
This is probably the biggest step you'll make in your learning process. After,
in the previous challenges, having learned where to find information, after
finding your own motivations, and after learning of a few states of mind you
want to create in yourself and in women that lead to the results you want...
Now you need to become your own man. From now on, whenever you are
faced with a situation where you are unsure how to proceed or how to act,
here's what I want you to do:
DO SOMETHING. You have all the resources here and you've been digesting
the info for some time, so you have at least the glimmer of a base of
understanding. Based on that, use your brain! Try something, AND THEN
REPORT BACK HERE to tell us what the situation was, what you did, what the
result was, and ask feedback.
That's how you'll learn. You'll learn not only from the feedback, but from
becoming your own source of authority on PU. That's right. You'll learn to
learn, learn to make decisions, and learn to trust your gut instinct, and learn
how to improve all that based on feedback (both from us, from your target
and from yourself).
So, if there's one thing you must rememebr from this post, remember this
sentence: "Shoot first, ask questions later". Let that sentence stick in your
mind, and pop up any time you're unsure how to proceed.
I'm eagerly awaiting the results!
Following my previous 2 challenges,