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Okay this will be some astronomical shit.
Don't diss this shit. This is INSIGHT. If you don't get it, it is not for you yet.
Now I've talked about the EGO of the PUA a lot lately.
Wanting to be THE alpha. Having every chick drooling over you etc.
And as I said, my experience has been that the problems started WITH the community.
(I'm not blaming it for anything. This has been my journey.)
As I see it now is that the MAIN attitude here is exactly the ONE thing that is preventing me from having it.
It is the attitude of ASS being at the end of the rainbow. Being the social GOD is the ultimate achievement.
THIS is the main goal of the EGO.
Get these things and you will be happy, right?
Have THE BEST GAME and you are set.
Well as it points out, THIS is THE EXACT thing that is preventing it from happening.
The EGO projects a FUTURE.
An outcome. Your expectations of yourself.
It also projects a PAST. Your experiences as an PUA. Your LEVEL of skill.
This is ALL BULLSHIT thinking that CREATES THE PROBLEM. This is EXACLTY what creates the anxieties. The Outcome dependancy. The every fucking thing that you are suffering from.
As I said I was fucking GOOD before the community... NO innergame issues at all.
After a while of community time though. HELLO AA! Hello outcome dependancy. Hello EVERY PROBLEM PUA'S HAVE.
So when a high level pua goes in to the field and he's EGO's expectations aren't met...
The community conditioning PULLS HIM RIGHT BACK IN AGAIN.
He sees the truth being thought here as he has seen it...
Failing to see that this place is the exact thing that is CREATING HIS SUFFERING.
(Creating the attitudes that prevent he's happiness.)
A quote from Guy Finley's book "Let go and live in the now"... (dont' know if quoting this shit is legal. )
A doctor is trying to explain the moral of a story to a woman who has her "heart broken"
"This is the point: The more we believe, as we are inclined to do, that there exists something outside of us with the power of making us happy and whole, the more attached we become to these imposter ideas and those deceptive desires that weave into our hearts. These sensation-packed, but illusionary desires are roots of this world that sneak into us. And the more we identify with these pleasing sensations, which are essentially on loan to us from the images in which they are stored, the more a painful dependancy is born in us. Now it feels to us that without this person or object of our desire we will have to spend our liveswithout what we only have imagined has made us feel whole."
He continues:
"It's inevitable: fear strangles love; it kills compassion. (Got you again! Hahha! ) Such fear suffocates the heart by telling it that it will lose it's joy should it lose the object it derives its joy through. This message really only causes the heart to cling all the more tightly to it's desire. And so willingly, yet unknowingly, the heart closes itself off from life - effectively blind to the fact of how this set of restrictions accomplishes exactly the opposite of what it reaaly wants: freedom to love. And it goes that with each unconscious cycle like this, one's heart becomes that much more entangled in the very system of roots wrecking it. The more it is compromised like this, the more it gradually looses it's simplicity; the native openness of one's heart is transformed into an unnatural suspiciousness. Then the only things it knows to look for in life are more of the very attachments that betrayed and helped to shatter it in the first place!"
You figure out what is meant by this.
"Given this seemingly natural but false conclusion, what else can one do but live in fear of anything that threatens to change these conditions." (Me in the first thread MOTHERFUCKERS! HAHHA! )