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Recent post by Heartwork, August 7, 2008

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Inner Game» Bullshit & 5 Steps to Progress

Inner Game» Bullshit

So I am currently sitting in a library, the keyboard does not match the computer, it bothers me. I’m thinking about things because I am bored, I also have to go to the bathroom but I am afraid that if I get up, someone will take this computer, like the old lady that is giving me the death stare because this keyboard is making loud clanky noises.

But I am not here to talk about that, however I am feeling philosophical and it has been a while since I have made a thread so here you guys go. This is my views on inner game», this is what works for me, and this is what works for thousands of other guys that are successful. In fact, I believe it is this difference alone that separates the Men from the Keyboard Jockeys.

Some people may disagree; some people may even get offended. If you do get offended, I feel you should really pay attention to this post, because this goes out to you guys.

So first off let me define the phenomenon that I define as Inner Game» Bullshit.

Do I think all inner game» is bullshit?

NO! Not at all, and Inner Game» Bullshit has nothing to do with inner game» itself, it is more of the way that inner game» is learned.

You see inner game» is a new trend in the pick up community. More and more products are coming out that supposedly help your inner game». Also lots of attention has been turned to various books for inner game». However, this is not going to solve the issues you have. Sure they are great tools but the problem is that they are not applied; only read, and that is the start of what I call “Inner Game» Bullshit.”

So how does Inner Game» Bullshit start?

Inner Game» Bullshit usually spawns from a sticking point. Someone goes out to give sarging a try, but oh no, they come to a block in the road. This problem may happen once or twice. Then, instead of seeking the answer to the sticking point they go and blame something that they can’t really be at fault for. It is a lot easier to blame a flaw in a mindset than it is to blame a flaw in your outer game because having the “wrong” mindset is common in the community. Instead of being like “I suck at qualification” it is actually easier to say “I suck at staying in state and feeling confident.” Which in actuality, and ironically, it is more like saying “I suck at life.”

Makes you want to go back and focus on your flaws in qualification than the excuse flaws in yourself now doesn’t it?

However this is exactly what some inner game» guys in the community want you to think. (I respect all of them, they have amazing game, but there is a reason for it that I will get into later) Anyway, by creating the idea that there is this big inner flaw in your self, it makes you want to seek more improvement. People think that this improvement cannot be made in the field but instead through the pages of books…however aren’t they reading the book to get better in the field? See how easy it is to loose site of things.

Anyway back to my original point, so once someone comes to a sticking point. Some make the mistake of blaming their inner self. So they go and they start reading things on inner game». They will go read something like “Secrets of the Large Phallus Male” or “The Super Duper Man God” and then all of a sudden…they have this HUGE boost in confidence. They are like wow, I am awesome. But this confidence is short lived if no action is taken, and that is the biggest mistake, the Inner Game» things are rarely applied by the reader. So their confidence dies back down and they miss it. So they read more things on inner game».

They become hooked to the confidence and insight one gets from reading a post about the theory of human nature.

Inner Game» starts to become a drug.

Now all of a sudden, they start thinking they know all the answers to life, they can link ANY problem in the community to an inner game» flaw. So they start posting, and they post some more, they read some more, then post some more. Then they sit and think about space time continuums or whatever, and then they post some more.

But what do they do that night…. They masturbate!


Because when it comes to approaching or when things come back to their original sticking point, they are still shitting a brick and don’t know what to do. Actually that is not entirely true, they know the theory behind what they are supposed to do but clueless when comes to taking action. However, they refuse to blame their inner or outer self and thus the problem is never solved.

So they post some more, “helping” guys with there rampages about why inner game» is the only way to solve your problems. People eat this up. They get validation from their posts. Everything they say is theory and their thoughts are clouded by the words of many other men. Nothing is their own thoughts and they have not applied and tested any of it, thus everything they say is…INNER GAME» BULLSHIT.

Then bam, a keyboard jockey is born.

Here is how I see it:

The cold hard truth is you can read all the things you want about being a better man and the attitude one possesses, but in no way is that going to help you find "yourself". Why? Because they are not your inner discoveries!

Think about the term "inner game»" for a second, the inner applies directly to you, "your inner self". Now some guy telling you about the attitude he finds attractive has noting to do with your inner self, you are absorbing his inner self while being under the impression that you are improving yourself.

If anything, and as ironic as it is, you are loosing your identity when getting too involved with inner game».

When you read a book about human dynamics and the mind, you are agreeing with what that person says and assuming that it's true because you now know "the secret of life" or whatever other discoveries you may find. To truly develop inner game», go out in a social environment and CHALLENGE the theory you just read about, see if it’s flawed or right because all the inner game» theories (or at least the good ones) are developed through outer game. They are made in the real world.

These inner game» guys go out, do something over and over again, their personality changes as it adapts to the new situations and then they write about it. Developing inner game» by reading a book or watching a DVD is not going to happen. You are just going to tell yourself it helps cause you just wasted hours that could be spent in the field, listening to someone talk about things that truly only applies to them will in no way directly improve your inner game». Unless of course you take action in doing so which I will go into momentarily.

The human body is made to adapt to situations, if you put yourself in social situations time and time again, you are going to notice changes, your going to change to avoid the feeling of rejection and failure. Just because a book said rejection is just an emotion to protect us doesn’t mean it wont suck when it happens. And until you get used to it and know how to deal with it, it will still continue to suck…every time!

Inner game» is about developing your inner self. To become the person you want to be you need to find these discoveries on your own. And the only way to find them is to go out in the field and adapt to the social changes that are necessary to make the changes a part of you. Friends aren’t made between the pages of books, they are made between the words we say and how we act in social situations.

So once again, people continue to use inner game» as an excuse for their shortcomings in real life. "oh she wasn’t into me cause I don’t have any inner game»" If you keep going at it again and again, your going to make an inner discovery and its going to be far greater and more rewarding than anything some dude with a PHD told you.


Heartwork’s Five Steps to Progress

So you may be wondering, with all the Inner Game» Bullshit circling the web, how do I go about developing Inner Game»?

Well, it takes some work, but here is how to properly apply the inner game» you read.

I have summed it up into about 5 steps.

Step One: Absorption

This is the step that everyone is good at. Go out and read the inner game» things that you want, find your favorite post by your favorite PUA, go and listen to a CD set, get you’re favorite PUA product and watch it all the way through. Watch attentively and take it all in. However, only do this with one or two products at a time, people overwhelm themselves with too much information and do not know what to focus on. So I suggest you apply this method to one product or one concept at a time.

Step Two: Game Plan

This step is what one should do after immediately reading up on the product of their choice. Set days in the week that you are going to adapt and use the qualities you have read. Don’t make your goals to high but challenge yourself. This is very important; do not leave until you set the goals you have made. You will use these goals through steps three and four.

Step Three: Find out what does not work

Reflect on all the things you need to go and complete your goals in Step Two. Take what you have learned and CHALLENGE it. Do the polar opposite of what you were told works. Challenge the ideas. If you are told to stand tall, try a set while slouching, notice the reactions of the people. Realize that what you are doing does not work. If the opposite happens to work, then maybe your original information was flawed, or you are enacting an equally important quality. Remember not everything is fit to everyone’s personality, and by doing this you are taking a step towards finding what works for you. If you are told to go indirect, and you go direct and it works wonders, perhaps direct method is best for you. I know this is counter intuitive however if you follow the next step you will take a big leap in internalizing the values and techniques you want to obtain.

Step Four: Apply what works

In this step you go back to your notes, or take a few seconds to reflect on the info you have learned. After trying the opposite and having it not work your mind will realize this is not a quality it wants. So immediately after, you go and try what is told to work. If you start seeing results your mind will not only take note of it, but it will replace the previous quality that does not work for you. Almost like removing the bad quality from you and replacing it with the new one. Think survival of the fittest, only the strong qualities are the ones that carry on. Now say you keep trying what is said to work for you, but you are not seeing results. This does not mean that it is wrong, but it is not a quality that flows with your identity. It is not something that works for you, by doing this process we are weeding out what does not work for us instead of pretending that it works because someone told you it did. In essence, you are building your strongest identity and your best self.

Step Five: Take Charge

Taking charge is basically the method of how you use this process. Without you taking charge of the information given to you, you are only reading all this inner and outer game information for pleasure. Not for improvement. If you just read and don’t take charge of the information given, you are getting nothing out of it. Your path to inner game» will never be paved through the information you read, but it is what you do with the information that creates changes. So taking charge is to make sure you do something with all the new information you get. Taking charge allows you to tweak the way you develop and will allow the internalization of information you learn to come even faster. Bassically, by going out constantly and using your information, you are learning how to learn. Taking charge leads to constant feedback from what you are doing and allows you to learn how to fine tune every aspect of game till it fits you, instead of making you fit what you learned, a much longer and far less genuine process.

What I ask of you is to think about all the information you have and ask yourself…

“Am I really taking charge and applying everything I already know to its fullest?”

If the answer is no, then find the information that you are not using and put it into action!

Take charge and pave your inner game» path.

Good luck and best wishes to everyone on their journey of self improvement.

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