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Recent post by Klutch, August 14, 2008

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I don't think that understanding female psychology is necessary for getting a girl in bed. In relationships, yes, it's a good thing to be aware of. For sex, not so much.

If pussy was a product, info about female psychology would be like fine print on the back of the package. Plenty of important details, but let's face it - I just want what's inside, and ripping it open suits me just fine

The way to succeed at getting a girl to have sex with you is to completely eliminate all of your fears about it, and go forth on it with the utmost passion.

Women can sense any fear you have at all. Even the slightest doubt. It's beyond not just hiding it - you can't even have it at all. The only way to eliminate it is with practice, and to ingrain it so strongly into your frame with women.

When a woman first meets you, or even sees you, her immediate response may be intimidated and afraid.

The key is to interact with a girl long enough for her to pick up on your unflinching, fearless vibe.

How do you get this vibe?

Like I said, you don't have fear. Kill it.

Look, most guys are UNCOMFORTABLE around hot girls.

Girls are so used to it. They expect it.

Fearlessness is attraction bait.

Once she's attracted, it's all a matter of making the moves (physically) and THAT takes not only fearlessness, but a burning desire for her.

All the successful guys are ALL ABOUT the girl. They want her, and don't second-guess their passions. Not only do they get her, she gets straight-up ADDICTED to them. Because to her, the physical affection makes her feel loved, lusted for, and adored. Love is requited if you give it to her through your dick.

A pattern I noticed among many other guys is that they have doubts about the direction they are going with a girl once the interaction starts going good.(NOTE: By "interaction" I'm referring to the window of time between your first initial spark to the time you have sex with her. Time can vary by the situation.). If sex is implied, a guy may panic and no longer be so self contained. The girl will notice it and lose heat. Then the moment dies, and you gotta try with another girl at another time.

Look at the cover of any romance novel.

Girls want to submit themselves to a strong guy. A fearless guy protects her, pleasures her, loves her, and makes her feel so comfortable. That is what a woman wants at a gut level, and it's all very basic. The man has so much power over her, she feels his presence when he's gone just by thinking about him. She feels him in her arms even when he's not there.

Why do you think so-called naturals seem to not be conscious of what they do?

No fear. No thought. No false perception of risk/threat. No doubts.

They don't even realize that this is why women are turned on by them.

The point is, studying about female psychology is more like a hobby. It's interesting, but I've never used it strategically.

This is more inner-game shit, but it is damn critical.

Don't try to bullshit around with a girl in terms of letting her know what you want from her.

Watch her react and persist.

She's like boiling water, you're like a huge bag of sand.

Enough said.

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