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What's New on Fast Seduction 101 - mASF Post - “Body-language, Eye Contact, and Voice Tone”

Recent post by RagsToRiches, August 18, 2008

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Three areas that are so inherently crucial to social dynamics, that it's almost impossible to be high-value without being exceptional at at least one; and most of the time high-value males are very good at all three.

NB: Lately I've noticed that my own skill in these three areas has slipped back a little, and I know a few months ago I felt like I was mastering them, so this post is as much for me as all of you. And THUS tips/critisism APPRECIATED!


* 99% of the time your body must feel COMFORTABLE. This rule over-rides all the other body language» rules. You MUST be comfortable, this is the most important thing for yourself and others will feel it. So when you do the rules below thing "Hang on... is this comfortable?"

* Shoulders relaxed and back.

* Chest out, breathing from the belly/abdomen.

* Relaxed jaw. Or Bite Clenched Teeth at a passing girl and a micro-smile if you're in the mood.

* Head slightly lifted. VERY slightly. And in interactions.

* Arms apart. Fingers occasionally tucked into back or side pockets.

* Lots of big wide arm gestures, points, etc.

* Open leg posture when sitting etc.

* Leaning back. Rewarding with lean ins and turn-ins. Leaning in more and more as her BS drops, and only leaning back again if she fails compliance.

* Tilting head to the side sometimes.

* Biting end of tounge and touching tounge to tips of teeth in a cocky way (personal technique )

Eye Contact

* Eye Contact rules are different. If you're holding EC and it FEELS uncomfortable you MUST hold it.

* Follow Jeans*Joes EC guide -

* If you are comfortable holding EC with a particular person for long periods of time (if it's a woman, until they break EC) then form that point on you no longer have to hold EC. Only hold it as long as you are giving them a command, asking them a question, or they are doing something which interests you. When telling stories etc feel free to look whereever the fuck you want, including down - you're entertaining yourself foremost (credit Mystery).

* Always look at people unless you know they are extremely low value, or psychopathic. Anyone within that range passing through normal, hot, and high value, you LOOK at when they enter YOUR space. So... walking... in cool/happy trance, and then BOOM they enter your attention radius, you look straight into their eyes.

Voice Tone

This particular area is really starting to piss me off. I actually have an awesome deep and tone-rich voice sometimes. But other times my voice comes out weak - almost sounding like it's struggleing. This is happening a lot lately, it could be due to quitting smoking last saturday and my lungs/throat are adjusting. I'm coughing up phlem like nobodies business. But either way I'm fucked off with it - STRONG VOICE is important. Anyway, I still know the rules.

* Deep is good. But you don't need to be deep. In-fact you should only be as deep as you feel comfortable.

* Loud is good, but you don't need to be shouting.

* A rich tone is the most important thing. Using the voice as a tool of emotional expression. Displaying your vigor, joy, aggression, dominance and commitment.

* Greet people with emphatic vocal greetings. Another area I have dropped a little recently. A lot of my daily interactions have become subdued in their early stages. That is not how I want things to be.

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