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What's New on Fast Seduction 101 - mASF Post - “Become a natural, at anything. Are you Clark Kent, or Superman?”

Recent post by carpe_diem, August 21, 2008

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Be prepared, I'm about to explain a type of natural game» on a whole other level.

When I was pretty awful at approaching and escalation a few years ago, I spent a fair bit of time with a true natural. The kind of guy that would enter a club and be kissing and have his hands under a girl's top before I'd even ordered a drink.

I must say I got laid a fair bit in those 6 or so months we went out often, not because I was any good but more so that the 2-sets that he harvested like corn, always meant one for him, and one for me.

The thing about this guy was that he was a natural at almost anything. We went and played 10 pin bowling, and he bowled like a 180 - 200 or something. And we played indoor cricket and he hit a big score, and it seemed that whatever he did whether it was sales, or sport, or women, or skiing, or dancing, he was always the best, if not nearly the best.

Compare this to a guy I know who is completely hopeless with women. He is completely hopeless at almost everything he does as well. Went with him to salsa, he struggled to do the basic, was really unco-ordinated, did bikram, he was the worst in the class, essentially in everything he comes last, or near the bottom, and its the same in his social circles, he always has the lowest status, and is at the bottom of the ladder.

In my study of human behavior, mixed with pickup, mixed with my personal coaching, and my personal experience, especially in the past 12 months as I have coached over 300 guys in pickup, either on the phone or face-to-face in at least 20 countries and I've spent the last 6 weeks doing several bootcamps, and I have met almost every so-called pickup guru and well known name, including DavidD, Tyler, BradP, Hypnotica, Formhandle & TokyoPUA, Jeffy, David Wygant, Tim, some Mystery guys, and many more. And of course Vin.

Anyways, I've studied this ability to be a natural» at anything. In my opinion, if you want to be good at natural game», this needs to be a core element of who you are as a person. This seeming ability to be good at anything you put your mind to, or at the very least a fast learner. I like to think now I am that guy, but it has not always been that way.

I would say that personally I was a cross between those 2 guys I mentioned at the start. In some things I was completely hopeless, like a complete victim, would give up, come last, a disaster, and in some stuff I was actually quite good, and I'd win, come close to winning, and have a good shot. These days I'm like my friend, the natural, if not better. In pretty much anything I do, I am generally pretty good, and like to back myself to win. I think in many ways I've unlocked the secrets of being pretty good at anything, and being the kind of guy that women are really attracted to, and often I don't even need to do any game at all to pick women up, the qualities that make me a winner, make women want me, and escalate on me.

If I can just make a point first, it is almost impossible to pick up women in my experience if you are the kind of guy who loses in most things you do, or you come last, or you are a victim. What I am going to explain is a critically important skill that you must take on board. I'm not saying that if you become a guy who is pretty much good at anything you will magically be good with women but you sure as hell will inevitable be good with women if you put your mind to it. The type of guy who loses, and makes excuses, and is prone to giving up, and is soft, weak and wimpy will be totally unattractive to women and will be sexually disgusting to women. Even if he's shit at approaching, the women will like the champion guy once they get to know him.

I'm going to talk about 2 extremes, Superman and Clark Kent. Superman is the natural at everything, and Clark Kent is hopeless at everything. No-one is at either extreme, we are all somewhere along the way between the two. It's good to point out that Superman and Clark Kent are actually the same guy, they just have a different disguise. We all have both of them inside us.

These are the ways to be a natural» at anything you put your mind to:

1.The ability to bring 100% consciousness and 100% focus into everything you are doing. Clark Kent is typified by having a short attention span, tries to do several things at once, while trying to do something or master it his mind is elsewhere quite often, he attempts to get through whatever he is doing by just going into a trance of disconnection, whatever he does it is half-hearted. Superman gives 110% into what he is doing, his focus is like a laser-beam, his brain is like a car radio it can only have one channel at a time and the channel is 100% until it is switched, he trains his focus to be for longer periods of time.

2.He tends to do massive action for a while. Clark Kent will take up a hobby, or interest, or something, and do it a little. Like say he takes up pickup he will go out once or twice a week, here and there, or say he takes up martial arts, he will go to one class a week, or whatever he is doing he will do it a bit. Superman will go hard for a while, and seek mastery. Like he'll do whatever it takes to get to an above average standard, which, with his focus doesn't take that long. He'll do pickup 6 or 7 nights a week for 3 months, or do martial arts once or twice a day, and the learning curve is about 100 times steeper than if you do it once per week. So Superman will be better after 1 month than Clark Kent will be in one year.

3.He will never give up, enjoys some pain and seeks challenge. Clark Kent make excuses, often they are really good excuses. A sore neck, a flu, lack of money, or this or that, he's prone to giving up, and avoiding pain, and looking for the easy road, or the magic pill. Clark Kent may often have been wrapped in cotton wool growing up not playing competitive sport or being raised by females, and have a low tolerance for pain. Superman seeks challenge, enjoys pain, and refuses to give up. If an exercise goes for 60 seconds you can guarantee that his hardest 5 seconds will be the last 5 seconds of the 60, whereas Clark Kent's last 5 seconds will be his weakest.

4.He has a mindset of wanting to be the best. Say Superman gets teased about something, this is his mindset. Say for example he buys a new pair of jeans, and when he sees his friends they all tease him and laugh. There are 2 options, either his friends are clueless about jeans, or he is clueless. But he remains unaffected, but seeks to become an expert on jeans. He'll visit stores, get opinions, read magazines, and have an open mind that maybe he has it wrong. If he has it wrong he will change it immediately, if he has it right he will stick with his decision. If he is learning dance he will seek out a great teacher and get special lessons, if he learns martial arts he will read extra books, or get extra instruction, he is always seeking an advantage, and aiming to mix it with the best. He will read something or get advice and put it into action, he's focused on results not validation.

5.Superman's self-talk to amazing. He is always saying to himself “you can do it”, and he has an awesome mental picture of himself as a winner, and supports himself, and encourages himself. The self-talk of Clark Kent is terrible. He thinks about what is stressing him, times he's failed, negative things people have said to him, and he tends to focus on things outside his direct control. Superman has amazing self-talk during challenge, and times where he doesn't perform so well, and when things are tough. Clark Kent has shocking self-talk when things are tough. Superman's self talk is beautiful.

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