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What's New on Fast Seduction 101 - mASF Post - “A Win-win kiss close routine.”

Recent post by TVA_Oslo, September 7, 2008

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Original discussion thread:

You have been talking to this girl, and now feel chances to kiss her.
But you are affraid, what if she reject you... i am affraid... until i developped this routine.

You have been talking with this girl, you have builded a bit physical contact thought kino. Now you got couple ioi's.
Get 3 ioi's at least, thats a golden rule.

Now you prepare yourself for the kiss.
Give her EC and smile, then look away.
Then look again, hold EC with her, get closer, but then turn your face away.

Now you will do the same again, get close, but now you lift your head, so your lips is at the same level as her nose.
Get closer, if she lift her head for reaching your lips, you are in.

So far i've always been in.

But, when she lift her head for making her lips reach the level your yours(which means you are in), get closer to her nose, and bite it(it's very sensitiv, dont bite hard)
Just for showing some more push and pull.

Now you know she is in for the kiss.

Give her a hug, and start sucking her neck.
Then go for the ears, and then the lips.


The good thing with this tactis is that you test her too see if she is ready for the kiss. And you are doing some push and pull which will make her chase you.

Comments welcome

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