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What's New on Fast Seduction 101 - mASF Post - “Have you gotten anything from mASF?”

Recent post by Nashvilleplayboy, September 8, 2008

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Original discussion thread:

If you're anything like me, then mASF has likely had a PROFOUND impact on your life, your thinking, your relationships, you happiness... mASF has given you something.

Though I rarely come here and ask questions, I've gotten many many many answers to countless issues I've had in my life and my relationships.

And so it comes a point where you've taken enough, that you are more than equipped to give back, and the opportunity to give is just as much a privilege as is to learn.

And I say this because I look around the Beginner forum, and most of those guys need A LOT of work. They need a lot of guidance, a lot of ability tailored and well timed advice that can usually only come from experience.

I know its not fun. And in fact, it usually feels like work to sit and mull over all these "hopeless causes"(at times anyway), but the satisfaction that comes with helping someone else grow and strive to be something bigger and better is nearly unparalleled.

So, what I'm really asking of you guys is to take some time and effort and invest it where its often needed most. After all, we call this a "community". We should act more like it.

And I'm sure we remember that at one point in time, there were probably guys that looked on us as a lost cause...

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