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What's New on Fast Seduction 101 - mASF Post - “It's the Muppet Show.”

Recent post by carpe_diem, October 6, 2008

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I was on a bootcamp recently, and did an approach, and spent a little bit of time with a girl I walked over and talked to.

The next day the students said they called her "the muppet".

I had a laugh, but when I thought about it, it was pretty much right. It was kind of like I was a puppeteer who has his hands behind the doll influencing its every move.

Here is how I do it.

The end goal is having a woman that will do whatever I say. The girl I met at the nightclub for the demonstration I said "lets go here, and she followed, and then I said, let's go here instead, and she followed" - about 20 times - she really got to a stage where she gave me what I call "100% compliance" which is when women are almost brainwashed into doing what you say.

The key is to start with very small levels of compliance, and like a ladder slowly work your way upwards. If done correctly the woman will not only do exactly what you want, she will act as if she "wants" to do what you want.

A first disclaimer is that I don't do any fake, contrived, or silly ways to get compliance, so what I mean is no tricks. Like I see guys with some special routine for touching a girl's hand, or having her move, or some silly game that is totally unnatural for me to play. My style is more normal and natural, and totally "non-weird" ways of getting compliance.

The first thing I will do is begin with some light touching. Accidental, or otherwise, or a hand shake, I initiate touching early.

Then I do a mini-isolation, or even a micro-isolation, where I get her to invest just a tiny bit of body language» into the interaction. Then I look at mini-isolate by either me moving, or by moving her with my hands, so she is still in her group of friends but is facing me more than she is facing her friends. I reward this with more touch.

I like to move her one or two times pretty much on the spot, just slight directional changes of her body, or head, but its important that she moves exactly where I want her to move. I reward her again, verbally or by use of touch. Since I am a dancer I have a good way of holding a girl to move her with little effort on my part. I can use my arms as levers so they are strong but I'm not using my strength. This moving is always a natural part of the conversation, its not an extra.

Truly great touch is congruent, it fits with the interaction and the conversation, or lack thereof, and its not a thought out process that is obvious or transparent. Touch if done correctly, is impossible to reject. Now realize that these 4 or 5 small compliance successes happen quickly, within minutes, or even seconds. I'm so good at keeping her conscious mind occupied that she may not even realize that I've moved her.

The best part of how I get these small layers of compliance is that they are all natural moves for her to do. The problem with the "cool fancy 84 small compliance request routine" is that often you are getting her to move to give compliance in a way that she normally wouldn't do, such as doing something with her hands or arms that is not natural for her.

Just getting her to move direction, or lean her body in, or mini-isolate from her group, are things that are not totally unusual. And I like this. It means that all her movements in association to me are "normal" not "try hard". If I get her to give me compliance by spinning her around in a dance circle, its more likely I think to set off mental triggers that cause her to become more self-conscious, which is bad. I'd rather set off no triggers by having her to do things, but getting her to do things that are not too outside her normal reality.

Next I move her. It may surprise but I'll move a girl, 5, or even 10 times within a club before I go for extraction. The first move may only be 2 or 3 metres. It might be to help me pick a glass of wine, or check out a painting, or meet my friend, or hers, or to hear better, or to see something off the balcony, or to get a glass of water, but its only small.

This small move is also a good tester. So many guys I see open a girl, and then stand there talking. When you open there is a time bomb ticking, and that is the need to move her. When you move, the dynamics of the interaction change completely, you are no longer a stranger walking up to talk to her, you are friends going on a small trip together. If she is reluctant to move just a few small steps, then its good you found out after 2 minutes that she really doesn't like you, or it means that you are not smooth at moving women.

You can see where I am going, I move women each time a little bit more. Its always just a little bit more each time, just a little bit more distance, and I avoid any long periods of being stationary.

Reverse engineering a pickup, I just do this naturally now without thinking about it.

- 1st move - 2 or 3 metres
- 2nd move - 4 or 5 metres
- 3rd move - 6 or 8 metres
- 4th move - 10 or 15 metres

I always have a solid reason for the move. Guys are always "come with me" and this can cause her to ask you questions, reject the compliance, or to trigger those internal mental switches, we want to avoid on our way to 100% compliance. I'm always, saying why I am moving, and how I hold women at the start of the move, and during the move it key. Its a solid hold, and lock them in, I'm not just holding a hand or being weak about it. maybe I'm checking out the dancefloor, or getting money from the ATM, or getting some fresh air, its always a very "normal" reason for the move. I avoid anything tricky that could be thought of as weird at all costs, I think thats critical.

By this stage, all going well you should have a muppet. Best if you can create a bubble with just the two of you in it, and move to the dance floor or a couch for even more sexual touching.

The key to not being rejected is your moving her not being too out of place in the interaction, and make an effort to be-friend the friends. I'm always doing things just outside her comfort zone. I see guys try and learn this and they are so focused on moving her that its poorly timed, its too obvious, and she thinks about it, too much. You almost need to be able to see into the future, to predict her logistical movements, and get in first, rather than her walking away, or holding her in that spot too long, or predicting her friends reactions and their movements, develop a 6th sense for that shit.

Also, where you need to be taking her kind of needs to be better or more fun than what she is doing now. If she is having an awesome time dancing why would she want to stand over there, or if she is really having a good time talking with her friends, why will she be motivated to walk to the other side of the bar with you? And also, its good if your reason for moving her has an obvious expiry date. Like if she is coming over to help me pick a glass of wine, I'm not going to stand at the bar with the glass of wine for 4 hours, obviously, I'm going to choose, order and go somewhere else, whereas you wanting her to "go outside" too early could be a big investment and this will trigger those mental switches.

Sometimes I actually frame the move as if it is her idea, or I have her lead me at least a little bit. I find the muppet thing requires her to have some belief as though she is actually in control to some extent, or she is not being mind controlled, even though she is. Surprisingly even if you muppet her, she is likely to not give you 100% compliance if you are in dominant control the whole time. This is obviously a black belt skill that is on the advanced side. She is more likely to feel trust if she feels involved in the process.

I almost think of pickup in a physical sense and in respect of compliance. I don't care too much about attraction, hey I don't need her to like me, I just want compliance really. I'd rather her not like me, but let me take off her panties than the other way around. My goal in pickup is to have us touching each other, and her willing to move with me. You can technically call that physical and logistical compliance, and thats what pickup is. Fuck attraction, and anything like that. Build attraction through compliance, its the best way. Normal attraction can be too fleeting.

Also, I'm not always likely to extract straight from club to home, unless its obvious it is "on". I might move to another club, or somewhere nearby, hey there maybe something else, or dozens of things between my house and hers. Often guys get rejected from doing too big jumps in compliance, even if they could have hit it with better use of small compliance steps. The avoiding long periods of stationary is important. I see guys doing well, and then kiss a girl on the dance floor for 45 minutes, and then she won't move anywhere. Keep it escalating, I might do 100s of small little compliance steps, but they happen quickly, and without thought.

And I make my compliance fun, hey i make everything fun. I say when I cum, "isn't it fun when I cum", and they are like "yeah"!. I frame everything as fun. Hey we get on a silly ride that scares the hell out of us at a town show due to "fun". Frame things as fun, and your ability to get compliance is maxed out!

If you read this, I want you to get the message of moving her quickly. I see so many guys approach and stand there, and the interaction gets boring and dies out, and they say "I always fizzle with hot women", well, its not the hot women, its the fact you stand in one spot after the approach for so long. I'll move groups of girls together to get compliance, don't be afraid to take control of an entire group if needed. And always use moving as an opportunity to escalate your touch.

Reasons for moving:

- request a song from the DJ
- order a drink
- check out a painting
- check out furniture
- meet my friends
- meet her friends
- go upstairs / downstairs
- dance
- fresh air
- see the view from balcony
- sit down
- relax
- quieter area to talk
- privacy
- toilet
- thought you saw someone famous
- check out fashion
- listen to a song
- get money from ATM
- pick a glass of wine
- look at a painting
- get an opinion on something
- do a tour
- listen to different music
- go for a walk
- play pool - but not play pool when get there

there are millions more, but I'd rather you just think of stuff in the moment, not be premeditated. Getting a muppet is about it seeming natural and safe and fun, not about some guy having a hidden agenda, or being all obvious.

Its almost like I don't move her as much as I could move her, not the other way around and move her to the maximum every time. Just doing little bits of movements, and its part of my natural personality, and she goes along with it. I think it gets to a stage where its like hypnotism, and because I'm moving her lots of little times, its creates a mental process of compliance, and once you do enough of them you can do anything really.

I think executing a move is a very key skill, one of the most important ones, and if one well it looks effortless.

This all may seem obvious, but it really is a whole different level of compliance. Even standing there talking I'm getting her to move even small little slight bits to continue in the conversation, and as part of the interaction. I really make women invest in it, and the key is not triggering those mental triggers.

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