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Original discussion thread:
So in another thread the mASF user Auh wrote:
> Anyways, I wanted to ask you if you could be more specific about what you
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
My Model
- There are alpha male» principles that work to attract women by virtue of our genetic code and millions of years of elegant, if seemingly crude, mating practices
To Do
1. Pick one BL principle
In a Nutshell
Be aware, make a list, of all the things you want to improve and start actively working on one at a time, then start actively working on another one. While your mind is busy working on the latter one, quickly check (pick a random time, don't preselect the time just do it when you remember on a certain day) the first one and see how well you were doing it. If you were not doing it then you didn't learn the process. Learn the process by applying knowledge to life, rinse, repeat, check, and move on. If your not remembering - or if your body isn't remembering - to do these things then chances are your not understanding what the principles do, why they work, and care about their application. You have to care, apply knowledge to sets/friends/real-life situations and gauge responses so you can calibrate.
More on Body Language» Principles Posture
-keep your mid-section straight through the spine when walking
Very Sexual Walk: walk as if there were a string tied around your belt buckle that was pulling you forward. Walk hips first, ideally swinging your legs a little bit in a slightly wider stance than normal.
-Don't break first
Notice how doing things slowly projects confidence, as in you don't have to move for anyone. Do that.
Do it on your terms. Never be reactive to a girl's looking at you, or not looking at you, or other BL interaction between males
Projecting Emotions
Try and project a myriad of emotions through your face only w/o using words or hand gestures -- sad, glad, happy, lustful, seductive, playful, etc.
Now when you do EC with a girl try and think of what state you want her to go in and what state you want her to perceive you are in - then project that state with your eyes, speech, and facial affectations
Beyond the scope of my skills to pass on -- acquire Ross' home study course. Do it.
Internalizing Body Language» and How I Internalize in General
> did to improve your BL.I want to know what
> you worked on when you were improving your BL. You mentioned taking up
> space, standing erect.. I knew about those, but also How you move, aka.
> slower, less jerky movements, appearing more comfortable. Is there anything
> else you know specifically? I'd really like to internalize this as well,
> especially due to my limitations at current.
- The principles of this post focus on Body Language»
- BL Principles include: posture, eye contact, speed of movement, type of movement, action and reactions, facial affectations, non-reactiveness, projecting emotions
- Exogenous Requirements: A test audience either (in order of preferability): via opening sets, via friends, via video camera, via mirror
- Internal Requirements: real desire to master this, ability to islate SPs, practice, practice, practice
2. Read about it via mASF search, wikipedia, internet, or whatever
3. Be aware of what you are doing and do it.
4. Practice doing it for a while (days or weeks)
5. Either simultaneously or sequentially, pick something else to work on.
6. Repeat steps 2,3, and 4
7. Now while working on the 2nd principle become aware of how well you are doing the first principle without actively thinking about it. The degree that you do this naturally is 'internalization.' If you find that you stopped doing the 1st principle in lieu of the 2nd, go back to doing the first principle for awhile (days or weeks) and then see how you are internalizing the 2nd principle. If you are doing bad on actively doing the 2nd one w/o thinking about it -- take a break from actively working on the 2nd one and go back to the first.
-shoulders slightly back
-imagine straight line from heel to head
-keep head/eye-level above horizon
-don't look down
-chest slightly out
Eye Contact
-Blink, don't always look at her = don't creep her out
-Look in HER LEFT EYE = right side of brain = emotional side (not logical)
-smile with your eyes, use a mirror and fake-laugh then actually think of something funny
Note on Tonality and Pacing