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What's New on Fast Seduction 101 - mASF Post - “Can I get a minute?”

Recent post by PlayerSupreme, October 15, 2008

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Ok I have had enough of this bull crap of going into the land of fairies and unicorns with that emo stuff being touted in this section.

Despite a common opinion I am not a numbskull but in fact I am quite skilled at getting women.

I will stay this way until the day I die.

From my over 25 years of experience and time spent in the game let me share with you guys 7 things that I know are important in the area of attracting women:


1. Independence. You have to show a woman that you don’t need her. Instead she needs you.

Your very body language» should subcommunicate this to her. Your actions should be in moving away at times from her to reinforce that your more important than she is. This nuts up their minds. After all of the symps out there running after her and chasing her down the streets begging for dates here stands someone who isn't that needy and it makes her fall in love with you on a deep psychological level. Think of the love she can't get from her pop's.

2. A real man has focus. You put your goals asbeing more important than anything else, including her. No matter how much she objects you keep on with your own goals. Again this nuts up womens minds!

3. A real man is a determined man. You must persist no matter what comes at you in your life. You show her that your a winner no matter what the obsticals. Again this nuts up her mind on a instinctive level.

4. Your a 100 dollar bill. Yeah she might be a dime or a 10 but your a 100.00 bill. Having this mental attitude of superiority (to her and others)is important. This makes you the elusive prize; she should feel that not losing you is a challenge in itself.

5. A real man gives her a roller coaster ride by alternating intensity and coolness. Yeah on occasion, be rude. Challenge her ass. Get pissed off. Don't just be blah and nerdy with no emotions. Women hate boring with a deep passion.

6. A real man is the leader at all times. I cannot count how many times I have listened to women complain about men not taking charge in the relationship. I have owned a private personal training studio for over 20 years now and 99% of my clients are women. I listen to them whine about men all day long.

"what do you want to do tonite dear? I dont' know what do you want to do..." They hate that so much and it turns them off sexually to their men.

7. Act like the archetype of a powerful man. I don't care if your a tiny big headed super geek act like a powerful man at all times.

If you display the above characteristics you will be within that ball court. But women want men not emo's. They are still programmed on a deep level for protectors. Don't let some misguided fool tell you different.

That is why bouncers are so popular in the clubs. That is why they like men in uniforms.

Leaders and protectors. It makes their panties get wet.

So if you just display the above you won't have to worry about yelling a bunch of stories in their faces boring them.

They will be busy stalking you down.

Ok I said be a real man. At least one guy on here doesn't like that phrase. Well sorry. Women LOVE IT AND USE IT.

How many times have you heard a woman tell a man to just be a real man? Yup they use it.

That means they don't want some weak emo fool crying on their shoulders about their day.

They need us to be the strong ones who won't crack.

So I say to hell with that emo ACED bullshit Dog is spitting.

It leads in the wrong direction.

It creates a lack of attraction instead of increasing attraction for a group of guys who are already having trouble attracting women to them.

This path will make you even more creepier and weirder not more normal.

We expect skinny nerdy guys to be weak. They expect it. So why give it to them.

Be the one who is different. Just cause your smart doesnt mean you gotta be a weakling also.

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