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The main goal of pickup is to enrich your life by having amazing experiences with girls. Life is so much more fun when you have a girl around. In pickup, you should be SEEKING AMAZING EXPERIENCES WITH GIRLS. At the end of the day, that's what both you and her want.
If you hit the field with # closing as your goal, you're not setting yourself up for having amazing experiences with girls. All your energy becomes focused on getting her digits, and once you've done so, you feel accomplished and that the interaction with the girl was successful and has served its purpose. But from her point of view, yet another dude approached her, probably awkwardly, and didn't know what to do so he got her number and ran.
What you've missed in having this mindset is the opportunity to have an amazing experience with her. By looking solely to get her number, you've missed that fact that her day/night is likely open, she's out and about, and deep down hoping that a great guy will sweep her off her feet and carry her away. We all know how easily girls flake, right? Well you can be the CAUSE of her flake on SOMEONE ELSE, not the guy getting FLAKED ON, by giving her an amazing experience.
This experience can be anything really. Here's a recent example: I needed a new shower head, and so went to a shopping area that has a coffee shop and a few restaurants with shared outdoor seating, and a Target and Best Buy. I hit the coffee shop first and there happened to be a cute girl in there. I opened and we chatted a bit, she got her coffee and waited till i got mine, then we walked outside. I told her i was hungry, and asked her would she like to join me for lunch. She wasn't hungry, but decided to join me. During lunch i talked about the new shower head i was shopping for, and we ended up going to Target together and having a great time rummaging around the store. We spent nearly two hours together, and met over a SHOWER HEAD! Believe it or not, this is an AMAZING EXPERIENCE for a girl. Things like this do not often happen to her. She now has a really cool story to tell, and will wonder with all her girlfriends when shower head guy will call!
In this particular instance, I had somewhere else to be, and so as my last possible resort, AFTER this amazing experience, I got her number. I called, left her a message, and 15 minutes later she's calling me back apologizing that she didn't answer right away. 15 minutes later. Apologizing for not answering right away. That's how girls act when they want your call.
I definitely think its good for the socially awkward to set a goal of getting a girl's number, but you should realize that this is BEGINNER SHIT and, outside of being a good beginner social exercise, a HARMFUL MENTALITY to have. As soon as you get remotely comfortable getting numbers, or if you're not socially stunted to begin with, step it up to giving experiences rather that getting numbers! Your life will be better for it.
There seems to be a bit of confusion in regards to # closing a girl. Let me try to clear it up.