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I think Having what I call "Unshakable frame" is seriously important when it comes to gaming women...all the BS tests all the cockblocking all the AMOGs, bitchiness, hostility, even insulting....are just trivial baby toys to a man with unshakable ALPHA frame....I am not talking about just "frame"...I mean the point where you really feel so unshakable that no failure no huge success..just about nothing stop you from getting even better in your game with women..you rather play with these "toys" and use it...that's real power...real confidence..it's like some inner peace and calmness....you feel totally detached from the cruel environment..while in the same time totally being focused on your goal at the moment..or like the true pure radio signal versus the noise or non relevant signals, somehow..people with unshakable frames manage to filter out the noise and keep focused on the real true signal and have it pure and clear in their mind...like some mechanisms their minds have developed over time through experience, trial and error...it is not easy at all to have an unshakable frame...I think I have a strong frame...but it's not unshakable....I am trying to learn to reach that level of super-frame..that's beyond understanding to most people..
I'd like to hear what you guys have to say on this...do you think you have an unshakable frame? how did you manage to reach there? what is some good resource on this?
"The idea behind developing “Rock Solid Game” is to become a stronger, more confident man, who is always in control of his demeanor and can keep his composure no matter the circumstances. Having an air-tight frame is critical to success with women and in business." Paul Janka -eseduce.com