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From a beginner to another beginner, I would like to give you a technique that makes you talk to women about a subject that you choose. It could be anything, from society to sex, and it will be 100% naturally. Have I got your attention or what?
So what is this brilliant technique I'm talking about? It's actually quite simple, and I wouldn't be surprised if someone already has posted something like this.
Make a poll!!
I'm a student and recently I was asked to do a poll in my society class about what people thought of deathpenelty. I went out to the mall and asked people about it.
"Hi there, I'm from [the school your from] (If your not a student, don't worry. Say that you are a journalist instead) and I'm making a poll about what people think of deathpenelty. Would you like to anwser some questions? It would be very nice of you."
It's really easy and it gives you a foolproof way to go up to someone and start talking to them. Ofcourse, deathpenelty isn't the best subject to talk about, but hey, after that I maked "polls" of my own, about whatever subject I wanted. And ofcourse now I only questioned attractive and beautiful women
However, this won't make you get laid in the short run. It is a technique that makes beginners to take that first, extremely big step and talk to attractive women. And afterwards when you have picked up some skills at this, you could use this techique and put your own touch to it. Me for an example, after training with this simple poll technique, while talking to the women I could notice something about her and cold read her or soemthing like that, and building up attraction. It's all up to you when your talking to them. Either you use this poll technique just to train at talking to beautiful women, or you take the oppurtunity and get to know her.
P.s When your going to ask the questions, It is much better to ask women that either ar standing still or sitting down. It is harder to get a walking women to answer your questions.
Cheers !
Hello everyone!
Anyway this is how it goes: