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What's New on Fast Seduction 101 - mASF Post - “Naturalized GAME”

Recent post by TVA_Oslo, December 29, 2008

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Natural game» is method, in itself, "the word natural is all marketting.

What i am going to talk about fast today is what i do, naturalized game.

Some gys who dotn know me, and read my lr and Fr, still guy who are new into pu, think, yeah this is old school pretty canned styled game.

It all comes up naturally, almost...

Whats cool with naturalized game?*

It have the same powerful effect as good canned lines, but it comes up naturally, its much more fun, also you feel better, you feel ore natural, you more like an artist, an artist is somoene which comes up with stuff... no learn canend stuff.
Also in an interaction, you can create a cool line on the spot, which will fit btter the itneraction... because not every canned lines will fit every sticking in interactions...
But naturlized game will...

How to learn it

It's all about sarge with material based on the canend stuff material, but doing it uncounsiously.
This require a lot of practice, but when you get it, you fucking own.
Also when you do it, it doesnt have the bad effect of canend material, as beeing non natural.

For getting naturalized game, for newbies, is about starting with canned routines, for getting good, cannedl ines and so on...
Then after doing it a lot... you start getting it.

Its very imoportant to feel comfortable around those routines and lines, and beeign with women in general...

Push your comfort zone till it feel 100% ocmfortable and natural when you do it...

Now... dont learn canend routines...
Learn how they work... learn it by heart of it work.
Like learn how push and pull works...
This way you will come up with stuff on the spot!

Learn the concepts, get the idea of what a good push and pull line... you will see results.

Keeping using a few canned routines

I still use a few canned one...
Because its al ot of fun, but i deliver it the way like if it was a game, or something fun, i show them its canned, but around the routines, i talk naturally, this is very important.

Dont show her a canend personality, this will apear as false, and unatural...

Now have fun...

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