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What's New on Fast Seduction 101 - mASF Post - “Do Looks Matter: The Definitive Answer”

Recent post by Evenstar, January 6, 2009

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[Brought to you by the fine people from the Penis Liberation Army]

Do Looks Matter?

Pretty popular question on any Community forum. The trouble with this question is that the answer is far more complicated and nuanced than the average aspiring PUA cares to think about. This is further complicated by the fact that most aPUAs out there are really bad with inductive reasoning, statistics and complex causation. That probably just sounds like a lot of verbiage, so I'll explain with an example:

PLA: Do looks matter?
aPUA: I saw an ugly guy with a hot girl. Therefor, looks don't matter.
PLA: You are never going to get laid.

One swallow does not a summer make. One ugly guy with a hot girl does not mean looks don't matter. The ugly guy with a hottie answers a different question: "Is being ugly an absolute barrier to getting with a hottie?" The answer to that is clearly No.

Imagine if the question were instead, "In Texas Hold'em, do high cards matter?" The question is most certainly yes. But, there is far more to the game than just having good cards. You also need to know a lot about statistics, strategy, psychology, and have a bit of luck. A big stack of chips doesn't hurt either. All of these things matter, but yet with how many poker tournaments there are out there, you can always find someone who wins that lacks one or more of these obvious fundamentals. Same goes for pick up.

Do you have to be good looking? No. Does it help? Absolutely.

You also don't need a good job, a sense of humor, in-field experience or even game! But, they sure as hell help.

Another problem that makes the "Do looks matter?" question so difficult is that there's a lot of questions rolled up into it. If I'm a 7 can I ever get with a 9? What about a 10? Can I get with a 10 if I'm a 5? What if I'm a 3? Or a 1? There may be some barriers that can't be broken, but I don't think it's at all necessary to presume they exist. There's a much simplier general rule that works: the more physically attractive you are, the easier time you will have attracting girls. It's that simple.

If you're fat or ugly, don't despair. The main word in that was "easier." Well, the main word was "you," and "girls" was a close second, but "easier" is pretty important too. Anyways, the point is that ugly guys can still get laid, and with attractive girls! It's just harder.

More good news! There's a lot you can do to become more attractive. Exercise! You don't need to bulk up, or get ripped (though it can help). Just being in shape can do a ton. You can also work on your style. Not really going into details now, maybe in a later entry. Wear deoderant.

Finally, one last thing that any discussion of "Do looks matter?" wouldn't be complete without: Aren't good looking guys more confident, and isn't it just that confidence that makes them more successful?

This question tries to bring you back to an earlier mistake, trying to think that looks are everything or nothing. Yes, being good looking can make a guy more confident, and that confidence can be attractive. But, that doesn't mean that looks don't contribute. What it does mean is that looks AND confidence contribute to how attractive you are, and that perhaps the average person thinks looks matter more than they do.

PLA: Ever seen a pole vaulter? They are all in very good shape. In pole vaulting, muscles matter.
aPUA: But PLA, the best pole vaulters are very confident in their skill, and pole vaulting clearly requires a lot of confidence. So, isn't it true that muscles don't matter in pole vaulting, and that it's all just confidence?
PLA: You are never going to get laid.

Pole vaulting takes muscles and confidence. If you lack either, you will not get over that bar. Good news for you is that attracting beautiful women requires neither good looks nor confidence. But, they sure as hell help.

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