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Quick and friendly reminder, so you can direct your game properly when you meet chicks and try to close them, meet them again, etc:
You want to get rejected...
... by the time-wasters.
Best for you to focus your time on chicks who WILL have sex with you, you'll find yourself way less frustrated and stressed out.
As for the other ones, if you're so inclined, you don't have to burn your bridges, but until they shape up, what the fuck are they doing in your life? What's their utility, for you? If you wanted to go to dinner or to a movie and NOT get laid, you could go with a male friend (credit: Neo-Rio).
So there. Chick rejecting you saves you time for chicks who WANT you.
And of course if you're a smelly motherfucker who can't speak to people, you deserve to be rejected so the chicks can find someone worth spending time with, so fix that first before applying the mindset above
hey all
A chick who wastes your time is a chick who will not want to go home with you, even if possibly attracted and definitely comfortable with you. Sorry man, she ain't into sex with you, or has some hangups you'd probably rather not deal with.