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The subject line comes from the movie "40 year old virgin"
If there is any one single piece of real pickup advice in that movie (which, by the way, is funny as hell), its that line:
Andy Stitzer: This doesn't feel right.
Jay: Of course it don't feel right! What has felt right for you doesn't work! You need to try some wrong, dawg.
I think a lot of guys, and I am one of them, are just TOO FUCKING CONSERVATIVE when it comes to pickup. We are afraid to say or do something that will lose us the lay. We are afraid to "try some wrong".
The other day I ran my standard opener on a chick on a dating site. She responds and some back and forth banter begins. Now, to be honest, most chicks I interact with are, by my standards, fucking retarded. Im sorry, but its the truth. I feel like I have to watch "The Simple Life" for a week to kill enough brain cells to be able to communicate on their level.
This chick was different. A trial lawyer, she was keeping me on my toes. But...I pitched the meet and she shit tests me "Ask me nicely. Try Shakespeare."
Now, I could have tried the nice, conservative approach and sent some flowery shit. But what I did was say, "Sorry, I dont do Shakespeare."
She backpedals and says, "Well, what about Monty Python then?"
Hmmm....So I send her a link to the boys singing "Sit on my face".
Definitely not the safe, "feels right" thing to do.
The site allows you to compare answers to questions, and we swap answers. Needless to say, JSJs answers to questions like "Do you believe in monogamy" are not the normal AFC answers.
More banter, and she gives me another little shit test about meeting, that she needs "references".
Hmmm....I basically say "I dont give references to have a coffee with someone. Thats absurd. If you really want to meet, I'll be happy to have a sit down with you. There are a zillion guys out there who will jump through whatever hoops you desire for the chance to meet and, maybe, get into your pants. But I'm not one of them." She also shit tests me about my answers saying I just want sex, to which I reply, "Sex is good, but Im pretty picky." I go on to say that most of my answers relate to monogamy, and that I tried it, and after my marriage broke up, I looked around and saw that not only wasnt it working for me, but it wasnt working for most people. So, I basicaly say that even though a non-monogamous relationship doesnt "feel" right, maybe its time we all tried some wrong, because what everybody feels is right aint working.
I thought about a half dozen times this chick was going to bail on me. But...I stuck to my guns and finally she admits that she is just nervous about meeting someone from online, wasnt serious about the "references" but wanted to buy time to make up her mind, and very nicely asked if we can meet at X on Saturday at X oclock. She also mentions she tried the monogamy thing with similar lousy results.
Push your comfort zone. Try some wrong, dawg.