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What's New on Fast Seduction 101 - mASF Post - “Qualifying Creates Attraction”

Recent post by pureevil, January 29, 2009

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In my game I always assume attraction from the start. Its a good mental frame to have. I mean, I go so far as to assume every female in visable distance wants to fuck me. This is my universe, so why not?

As described thoroughly in my club M.O. post in advanced, much of my game revolves around qualifying the girl. One thing I've noticed is that the act of qualifying creates attraction in the girl for me (meaning she'll DDB, initiate sexual kino, etc when she's rewarded by my growing attraction for displaying a trait that she feels she should be rewarded for). This is solid, powerful stuff that could save a lot of guys from worrying about building attraction, so let me repeat:

A girl will become attracted to a guy who's opinion she values who, over time, becomes attracted to her for the right reason.

Two things have to go down: First, she needs to value your opinion. Most women will automatically value your opinion, from the start, to some degree, if you're in shape, have good style, have at least an average social skill level, and are relatively genuinely confident. To me those qualities are the basics that every real man should have, if you're lacking and slacking, get on it!! Second, you need to show her over time that you're growing attracted to her because of her coolness, ie personality, ie "the right reasons." The key here is OVER TIME. Start at "interested" and grow to "attracted" over time for "the right reasons," and her level of attraction for you will often follow yours for her.

The details to how I personally qualify like this are in the MO, though I'm certain this concept can work outside the specific way I do things.

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