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What's New on Fast Seduction 101 - mASF Post - “As a beginner, do NOT stick yourself in a box”

Recent post by ockwick, March 11, 2009

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"Think outside the box"

Such a cliché saying.

I want to talk about not even getting INTO the box, in the first place!

If you are a Beginner and have been reading this forum looking for advice, this is for YOU. This is the last post you need to read in Beginners.

OK. So let's take BOB. Bob has never had any success with women, even though he gets some interest once in a while from women he knows socially.

By chance or advertisement he stumbles onto the community or a method.

Authority frame sets in, considering he never got anywhere and he's got this/these guy(s) claiming to have figured it out.. so he gets into the mode of "I got it all wrong, they know, THIS IS HOW TO DO IT" and takes on their method as a model of reality.

And then Bob goes out and filters reality through this model, this method. Bob may get a few epiphanies coming his way, great, a few makeouts or even lays, AWESOME!.

There's a big problem though, stagnation, not to mention the whole superstitious pigeon thing. What if all those things were not that necessary, and sometimes even hampering Bob?

See, this is NOT how you should be learning PU or appraoching this. This is not how these methods came to be, either! Imagine that.

If you want to make good use of these resources, you need the FIELD. Duh, nothing new, right?

But you need, when you're out there, to experiment with stuff, and be open-minded about the results you get. Cuz they won't always or even ever fit that model of reality, unless you are so constrained by it that you warp everything around you to fit it. Bad bad bad place to be in.

You want to go out there and experiment, and interpret the results through better conditionings, and maybe explanations from people more experienced by you. You don't want to go and "do A1 followed by A2". Then you'll learn how to do A1-A2 for sure, but you won't even know if it's necessary, if it's useful, useless, neutral, or if hte chick was gonna make out with you on the spot while you babbled on and bored her!

Of course your model will tell you you didn'T attract her enough (thinking inside the box), while in reality (outside the box), as I just said, all she could see was your lips and how much she wanted to suck on them for a couple of minutes, and maybe suck on your dick later.

So, gentlemen, think outside the box. Heck, don't get in the box to begin with.

If you are here on the Beginner's forum looking for advice on how to start, LEAVE. It's all out there already on the rest of this website (read: not the forum). Run into a snag, talk about it here, that's IT.

Note that this isn't a "spend 2 hoursi n field for every hour reading material", that's just lame and ridiculous, and will keep you locked in whatever box you chose.

I'm telling you, EXPERIMENT, and be open about the results you will get, and when all else fails, try to REMOVE not ADD.

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