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I've spent the last 7 years of my life studying how to pick up girls. I feel that that time has now come to an end, as I feel that I now know everything I need to know about this area of life, and can pick up girls whenever I want to. Therefore, this is likely to be my final post, since I now believe I have ALL the answers.
My goal has always been to simplify pickup. I have always asked myself questions such as:
-How did a caveman pick up without lines, routines, NLP or the community?
-What is the difference between guys who are already good before they found this place, and guys who SUCK? Why do some guys get good really quickly, while other guys spin their wheels for YEARS and get nowhere? What role does nature/nurture play?
During my time here I was able to answer both of these questions, and the answers are REALLY REALLY simple.
I'll start by explaining each concept required in a pickup.
The girl knows within seconds whether she is attracted to you or not. They are the same as men in this respect. Men respond to a woman's looks. However, the component the woman responds to in the man is not looks. It is simply this:
How much personal power the man has.
This is decided entirely unconsciously by the girl and weighs up two factors:
-How much influence he has on those around him.
We are not talking about him getting up and making speeches (although that can happen). We are talking about a few very subtle characteristics. The following are all examples of these characteristics:
-Carries himself well (less affected by others)
The guy who women find attractive is the guy in the venue who affects others the most , and is affected by others the least.
Elements of "being affected" include:
-Feeling judged
Elements of "affecting others" include:
-Making others feel any of the above!
When you understand all of this, you understand EVERYTHING you need to understand about attraction. EVERYTHING. This is ALL IT IS!
Effects of Attraction.
If you are "this guy" in the venue, then:
-Massive head-turning in the room when you walk in/walk past. Girls become aroused, and guys become uneasy.
Mirror Neurons.
"State transfer" is when humans match each other's states. This is happening all the time, between everyone, to some degree. Imagine someone has just walked into the room you're in looking extremely DEJECTED. We all have an idea of what that would look like. We would find ourselves also becoming dejected to some degree. This is a state transfer, and occurs via mirror neurons: for more information on mirror neurons.
State transfer becomes important in pickup because it is the mechanism by which you lead the girl to sex. "This guy" in our story has lower mirror neuron activity on his end, and is therefore less affected by others, and is therefore more able to lead the girl's state. When he is happy, so is the girl. When he becomes playful, so will the girl. When he becomes sexual, so will the girl.
State transfer also works equally effectively on men, and is how you build solid male relationships with those around you, to prevent them cockblocking you. Be cool and HAPPY so THEY feel cool and happy. YOU MUST GO FIRST.
State transfer is how VALUE is delivered.
What a Pickup Looks Like.
Bearing this in mind, a pickup done by "this guy" looks like this:
Walk up to girl with big, open body language». You are smiling. Others' heads have turned. You do not respond to the new social pressure put on you by the head-turning. In other words, you do not flinch or dip inside your head AT ALL. Attraction has now been achieved by this act alone.
You start talking to the girl, and you are in a happy mood. Your state is not flinching, and your face is therefore one of peace and joy. Her initial uneasiness does not affect you, because you are THIS GUY. Your mirror neurons are not firing in response to her uneasiness, or anyone else's, because you are THIS GUY. However, HER mirror neurons are firing in response to YOUR STATE, so she is becoming CALM and JOYFUL in your presence. If you become sexually aroused, this will start transferring to her very quickly, since you are not being knocked off kilter by the environment. You can kiss her and escalate very quickly if you want, because her mirror neurons are telling her "I can trust this guy!", simply because YOU trust YOURSELF.
What you do with the girl is up to you. Personally I like to play with the girl. I am very playful and jokey. This state transfers to her and we'll play games of grab-ass, or find excuses to hug and kiss each other. It is playful with a sexual vibe, and it happens VERY QUICKLY.
The game "this guy" plays is playful with a sexual vibe. Depending on the speed of state transfer, you can take her off for sex within minutes depending on the girl. Sometimes she will stymie her own state transfer from you if there are others around etc., in which case JUST isolate and you're good. She will isolate immediately with you if you tell her to or just drag her off.
If you picked up a girl, chances are you barrelled through this sequence one way or another.
If you failed, it was because your state was affected more by her or the environment, and did not affect her enough using your own state.
So what happens when you have two exactly equal alphas talking to her at the same time? In this ideal situation, we assume they are exactly equal in ability to affect others, and ability to not be affected by others.
Simple. Whoever has her attention AT THE TIME is the one she likes. So just speak a little louder. Or dominate with a long story. My wing Retard Wing and I are exactly equal at certain times, and this is exactly what happens. The girl(s) will "flip-flop" between us. At this point, we just decide who wants whom, and pair off with the two girls. After the pairing, we interfere very little with each other's set. We both get laid every time. It is just as I describe.
Logistics are the only thing you need to "do". You just need to have somewhere in mind where you can go. If you are "this guy", you won't need to convince her with some stupid excuse to go visit this "really really cool diner!" *Shakes head*. There is no ASD when you are "this guy". In fact the LMR I have encountered has also been extremely low, but I did get some during the foursome a few weeks back. I dealt with that by simply saying "Come here for a cuddle " and cuddling the girl. She would also give me little shit-tests like "I'll let you kiss me... if you wear that hat..." So you just wear the fucking hat. She is only trying to rationalize her way through her LMR. If you believe she wants to fuck you, just stick around and be KIND to the girl. The LMR will just dissipate with TIME. And that is the only logistic you need.
Nature vs Nurture.
PlayerSupreme said something about 9 months ago that REALLY pissed me off. Paraphrased, he said:
"Most guys just ain't born to pick up chicks."
Unfortunately, he is right. The guys who really can pick up chicks without monkeying around have the traits I talked about in Part 1: They affect others more, and are affected less by others. The ratio of these alpha males still follows the old pack animal ratio of 1:10 or 1:20. I think it is closer to 1:10, certainly here in England.
Having this innate ability I believe is genetically determined, and functions on a chemical level. It is how leaders are born.
Sorry guys, if you don't already have it, you will never get to have this ability without chemically altering yourself. We will now talk about some ways to do that.
State is a chemical alteration to your system through organic methods. It usually occurs by doing the first couple of approaches. This floods your system with chemicals, giving you a state similar to the one naturals have most of the time. In state, your range of focus decreases to ONLY WHAT YOU ARE FOCUSING ON. This is how many naturals walk through life all the time, without having to do "warm-up approaches".
With a warm-up approach, you have basically told your brain "You're doing this anyway. Time to play ball." The chemicals released help you be less affected by others, and affect others more.
Born to Play the King or Pawn?
In my experience, some people are already naturally in a good state for pickup. They were born like that.
Others are nervous, but do their warm-up approaches, or star-jumps in public, or whatever else they need to do to get "pumped up", and they are good for the rest of the night, as long as they maintain that state.
For others, state comes but it is WEAK. They aren't pushing as hard as they know they could, and they don't know why. They are still knocked off kilter by the actions and presence of others. Over time, they get a bit better, but they STILL aren't doing everything they know their body is physically capable of. This was me.
For some, good state is there and is all that is needed. For others, the chemical push just isn't sufficient to get the behaviours we need.
THAT is why some guys will pick this game up and run with it, and others will be left spinning their wheels for YEARS.
Consider this spectrum:
Greatly affected by others <---------------------------------> Not affected by others
If you naturally are at the bottom end, you are going to have wild reactions to doing those first approaches. Personally, when I was starting out, I couldn't do them without alcohol. I showed up, and couldn't talk to anyone. If I did do them, the emotions would be overwhelming and I'd just want to go home. Therefore I started out having this negative reaction to state, because it was way beyond what I was used to. It was affecting me badly. I eventually got used to the chemical dump of state, and started using it to help me instead of hinder me. However, it still didn't get me anywhere near the states generated by taking drugs such as MDMA or anti-depressants. We will be covering these shortly.
If you are more towards the top end of the spectrum naturally, you will likely do the first approaches more easily, and will likely take the emotions generated more positively. You are going to become one of the guys who starts picking this up really quickly.
If you are a guy for whom all is needed is state, and you realize that your behaviour matches that described of the natural in Part 1, then stop reading now. Focus on state, and getting chemicals into your system that help you. That is what all these posts on gym, affirmations, visualizations and pumping yourself up are about.
Now if you are a guy for whom state does NOT generate the behaviour I described in Part 1, you can either plough on playing the numbers game till you find a girl who happens to like you for your looks or some other arbitrary reason, or you can cheat. Let's talk about cheating NOW. Fucking NOW motherfucker!
Firstly, this is what everyone else in the club is doing when they are taking alcohol or drugs. They are self-medicating in order that they can be less affected by others, and can therefore affect others more. Most people verbalize this as "loosening up", "getting into the groove" or "starting to have fun."
The problem is, alcohol is NO GOOD for this! Serotonin spiking only occurs during the first couple of drinks, and after that it is more about loss of cognitive function that allows you to be affected by others less.
There are better drugs for this goal.
Back to state for a minute. The thing that annoyed me about state is that, if you don't have a naturally good state, you have to do all sorts of things to maintain any kind of pleasantness in your mood. You have to:
-Go to the gym every day. This is annoying, because why SHOULD I have to do that just to feel good in my body? It wastes time, and I don't drive, so getting there is impractical. However, it does work, and is a long-term solution, albeit inconvenient at times.
If you are a guy whose state is naturally low, taking a drug to temporarily fix it in-field is the quickest, easiest solution. It is not without its own perils. I will discuss them later.
The important brain chemicals for good state I have identified so far in my research are:
-Serotonin. Essential for maintaining a GOOD MOOD. I'm SURE you guys know how hard it is to pick up in a bad mood. I find it almost impossible. The naturals are generally in a good mood. A good anti-depressant did more for my game than reading or watching any amount of material. A good mood builds resistance to others fucking with your state. It also will pass on that good mood to the girl via state transfer, which is essential in greasing the wheels of the pickup.
If I had to pick any chemical for you to focus on and try and get right, it would be serotonin.
The naturals I met are naturally happy 99% of the time. They're not happy because they're getting laid - they're getting laid because their happy.
Drugs for serotonin: St. John's Wort, 5-HTP, most anti-depressants, alcohol (the "happy and stupid" drug - not recommended past maybe 2 drinks), MDMA. Loads of drugs boost serotonin and I recommend looking into them if your state is often low.
-Dopamine. Your reward drug. This motivates you to get shit done. I feel that this drug improves posture and stance. It is the "king of the world" neurotransmitter that cocaine sets off. We have it naturally through wanting to FUCK GIRLS. This is why visualizing things that generate sexual state works. This is also the drug behind psychological addictions such as gambling.
Drugs for dopamine: St. John's Wort, alcohol, cocaine, MDMA
-Oxytocin. This neurotransmitter is the drug behind social bonding. It is the "hug drug". It makes you trust others (therefore lowering their ability to AFFECT you). It makes others trust you via state transfer. We have a lack of oxytocin in the UK because people and families aren't very close. If you go to Spain or Italy, people are hugging each other all the time. The French have the 3-kiss thing with a hug. The UK has a handshake. These gestures are all geared to get oxytocin flowing to promote trust. The handshake is not as effective as hugs etc. because the more closeness, the more oxytocin. Oxytocin is generated by proximity and kino. Alpha males hug and pick each other up and stuff because this is the human way to boost sociability. YOU MUST GO FIRST SO THE GIRL CAN FOLLOW.
Drugs for oxytocin: MDMA
By this point I've explained which chemicals are important for pickup, and why certain actions improve pickup by increasing these chemical levels in your system. Going to gym, getting pumped up, socializing, bursting through approach anxiety, and improving your diet all help achieve this. That is why these things get talked about so much. You can also find drugs to boost each of these, and many of them are legal.
You may also have noticed that I've linked the illegal drug MDMA throughout each drug description.
You might remember my breakdown in January, where I swore never to go on MDMA again. I went about 3 months without MDMA, then came back to it a few weeks ago.
So why, when I basically had a nervous breakdown after consuming it for several weeks straight, did I go back to it?
Well it's simply because it is the single greatest drug for pickup EVER CREATED.
For me, if I take MDMA, pickup is a matter of just showing up and getting laid.
It ticks all the boxes of "this guy" described in Part 1. It allows you to be mercilessly unaffected by others. The state of calm and joy it generates also transfers to all those around you.
Every behaviour exhibited by a natural can be emulated effectively, and even BETTER than the natural, by taking MDMA.
It is a drug I've found that allows me to pick up the way I want to pick up, every time. It is also the drug that allowed me to see how this game is played out entirely on the chemical level.
I also know of at least two other WELL-KNOWN PUAs on this board who pick up and get laid using MDMA. I hope they will come forward and describe their experiences.
MDMA is illegal in most countries. It also has potential side-effects. These side-effects increase with prolonged usage. Look into it very carefully before considering using it.
-The guy who picks up easily and consistently is the guy who can affect others the most, and who is affected BY others the least. That is the guy the girls want to fuck, period. Everything else is irrelevant.
-Some guys on the board are taking drugs and having amazing success and aren't telling you that in their field reports. Bear that in mind when considering their state.
If you can get there on your own without drugs, great. If you can't, look into the chemical nature of mood and behaviour and alter yourself AT THE SOURCE.
You don't have to become a drug addict. You can take substances once a month and go and get laid, and make that girl into your girlfriend. Once the girl has allowed you to fuck her, she will often want to see you again. You can do whatever you want with pickup.
I realize I will have lost some of you when I started talking about drugs. Oh well. Less competition. This is stuff I have proven again and again in-field. I got a threesome and a foursome a few weeks ago while on MDMA. I got laid this weekend while on MDMA. I got my LTR I sometimes write about while on MDMA. These girls usually don't know or even realize I'm on the drug. I am not being sleazy» and getting them into bed by offering them drugs. Do not offer girls drugs. You do not need to.
But realize that this game is entirely about YOUR STATE, and as a consequence, YOUR ABILITY TO AFFECT HER STATE, and that your state is controlled on a CHEMICAL LEVEL in your brain and body. Why should let you Mr. 1-in-10 Alpha get the girls just because he won the genetic lottery? You shouldn't, and you don't have to.
Realize this game is about chemicals, and focus on how to get the right chemicals into your head so you are in the right mood to pick up girls. I don't care how you do it, just do it!
Naturals already have these chemicals in spades. I think Cosy has these chemicals, and he's just describing life from the perspective of a healthy natural. I think ijjjji has good brain chemistry, and controls his diet and gym work carefully because he understands the chemical nature of your brain and body and how it affects your perception of reality. I think TVA_Oslo» is healthy, and probably tops up this state with occasional alcohol use.
I think Nowhere lacks certain chemicals that make him go in for the kill, that's why he's often spinning his wheels. Either the chemical cue in his brain didn't trigger, or it did and he ignored it.
I think Newman has good "feel-good" chemicals like serotonin and oxytocin, but lacks the killer instinct of dopamine. That's why he relies on alcohol. A good hit of coke would probably sort him out.
Anyway, I am visiting RagsToRich» shortly so you'll have a firsthand witness of proof of what I'm telling you, in-field, with no excuses.
Final Pickup Theory:
Everything you need to know about picking up girls
We were picking up before we had language, so there must be something MORE FUNDAMENTAL than 'what you say'.
This question led me to stop reading any post that focused on words themselves.
These are all different ways of asking the same question, and it turns out that being poor at pickup is caused by something other than just having bad conditioning or beliefs.
-How much influence others have on him.
-Talks as loud as he likes (affects others more and less affected by others)
-Smiles a lot and is joyful (less affected by others)
-Goes for the women he wants (less affected by others and affects others more)
-Becoming self-conscious
-Having thought loops where you are not in control
-Not being in control of your own emotions
-Being led in some way
-Having your body language» become more submissive
-Not feeling cool
-Not having the "right things to say"
-BMOGs' BL becomes weaker, AMOGs' BL suddenly puffs up and becomes bravado-like.
-Girls are already responsive and meek when you open. They will aim to DELIGHT you with their femininity.
-All the right things come to the front of your head and out of your mouth. You are eloquent and graceful because you have NO MENTAL LOADING FROM THE ENVIRONMENT.
-You can kiss girls after 2 seconds of banter if you want. You can do what you want with them.
-Anything YOU do is taken as "Yayyyyy!". Anything a BETA does is taken as "Ugghhhh, creepy!"
-The girl will want to come home with you, and nothing you say is going to affect that. See above point. Hence 'what you say' is completely fucking irrelevant if you are this guy.
-Improve your diet so these chemicals are more readily available.
-Sort your self-talk out. This is because your unconscious just follows whatever programme your conscious feeds it, like a good little dog. Think about something mean, you start to feel shit. Even if you've just had a good gym session, you can feel the chemicals generated by those bad thoughts start to chip away at your state. That SUCKS. That was another thing that annoyed me about gym, or approaching girls, or other ways to get into state: your self-talk could STILL spoil it for you, even after working SO HARD to get into that good state. Annoyed the shit outta me!
-Do meditation. But this is a marathon not a sprint. This is about clearing your mind whenever you need to. However, once you can clear your mind, you start to feel more at home within your body and you realize your NATURAL STATE is actually pretty low. Everything you do with approaching girls, going to the gym, being sociable, is all in an attempt to "top up" this natural state. This SUCKS, but it is your genes that have given you this state. At some point, it was selected for. Maybe you got angry and raped someone and that's how the genes got selected for. Who knows. If you want to read more about how bad state is natural, and has been selected for, go here:
-Holding this ability naturally is GENETICALLY DETERMINED. The mechanism by which this state is maintained is CHEMICAL. If you've got the chemicals in you, it's a matter of showing up and exploiting this state. That's why some guys pick this up and run, and others are still SHIT after YEARS.
-You can boost these chemicals naturally by going to the gym a lot, improving your diet, dealing with negative self-talk, and doing socially scary things such as warm-up approaches, or star-jumps in the street.
-Boosting your own state naturally as in the above point won't be enough for some guys to begin emulating the right behaviours enough. This can be treated by taking substances which give you these chemicals artificially. Anti-depressants are a start. I recommend experimenting over a long period of time with small amounts of substances to see what works FOR YOU.
-MDMA, for me, WAS the magic pill. For you, it may be something different.
-Some guys don't need drugs, and are still doing great. Good for them. But be prepared to draw the line under your efforts to do this drug-free. If you have been spinning your wheels for years with no results, try drugs.