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Most people who start with this whole PUA stuff think, that they are alone in this thing. And most of the PUAs I know act the same way. They are under the impression, that it all depends solely on the things they do. And yes, it kind of does, BUT other people can make it really difficult for you - even impossible or they can make it very easy. One example is the boyfriend of the girl you are talking to suddenly turning up. No matter how good your game was until now, it is getting more complicated, probably also more difficult. Same thing if the girl's best friend you are talking to doesn't like you for a reason... Of course, if you act in a proper way you can defuse these situations to some degree. But you will not always be able to act in a good way. So even if you are at your best, there are people, who influence the outcome of your success in a negative or positive way.
Guess what, the people you hang out with have an even greater impact on your success. Not only do they affect your social reputation, they even have an effect on your own mood. If you hang out with a bunch of friends, that are passive like hell, staring at the girls around, whispering to each other how hot these girls are and trying hard to look cool (worst of all), the negative impact will be horrific. In the context of a social group like that you can look like Brad Pitt in his best party mood and will still have a hard time. Sad but true: it is proven, that people project on you, what the majority of your group seems like. If you are a good looking guy and are going out with a bunch of shabby guys, your own looks will lose. On the other hand, if you go out with a bunch of guys, who are better looking than you are, your looks will win (this IS scientifically proven).
It happened to me last week: I went out with two really cool guys from Italy (one of them an actor, the other works as a radio chat -show host). They were in town for the weekend. Naturals at their best. Good looking as well and in a drunken party mood. Honestly, my game that night wasn't the best, but I got so many numbers (like 12) and even a laydown (I was in fact close to a threesome). And trust me, I fucked up some sets and still got positive feedback from the girls. The next night I went out again with the same two guys. This time I was at my best, boosted from the success the other night and the laydown. Before we went to the club, I met 4 of my other friends hanging around. Really good friends actually, but they have all the negative qualities I mentioned above: Passive, staring at girls, laid back, trying to look cool etc. But they are good friends, so we took them with us. I was under the impression, that me and the other two guys would be able to compensate all the bad karma. I was terribly wrong.
So, the essence of this: Be careful with what kind of people you go out with. It can make things so much easier or make your PUA life ten times harder. Most of all: Avoid going out with guys, who try hard to look cool and are shy.
As soon as you go out with your friends, they are a part of your game, whether you want it or not. And they do not play any minor role in your game - they play a major role!
That evening I was in like two sets and the "success" (probably the wrong word) of the other two guys was terrible as well. One of them even went to the hotel early, because he said he feels tired...