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Recent post by TVA_Oslo, May 24, 2009

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I made sure this guide was properly written in good propper english

Yes, this is the latest version of the sex talk guide. But, this isn't the last, i have more stuff, i want to get more in detail with, so keep hanging on.

You don't need to read the previous one for understanding this one, but of course it's highly recommended. They are all posted in advanced, just scroll to a few pages back on the advanced forum, or just ask me here, to post up the links. It's 3 previous guides actually.

The purpose and the frame

Yes, it's pretty simple. Sex talk is for amping her up, this should be known already. But it's not a technique you use, for showing to her, that you want to have sex with her. It's not a technique for showing her directly that you will satisfie her, but that you CAN do it.

In fact the whole purpose is very simple. You have to show her what kind of person you are in term of sex. You have to show her you are a sexual person. Not showing what you will give her, but once again what you Can give her (of course give, i am talking about everything sexual). Why? it's simply because if you show her you will give her anything you ar talking about, she will think about it in an counscious way, she knows you will try to get her into your stuff (the stuff you are talking about, all the sex stuff), which she might like btw, but this allows her to be consciously sure that it will happen, and this can results into ASD building up. This is one of the reason, but the biggest reason is, that if you make her know what you can give, but you don't naturally relates it to her, she will first of all chase you, because she will get the sexual prizing effect, which is a big amount of attraction for her (don't know what sexual prizing is? no worries, check my post history), but she doesn't know if she will get you yet, if she will get all the amazing sex you are talking about. She is thinking "woah this guy Can give me amazing sex, but will he give it to me"? By reading this guys, you already know what this means? It will give you a meta frame.

(advice: don't disqualify her sexually, she might lose interest, if she feels the prize is impossible to win, she will lose motivation to get tit, just simply don't show much vibe yet that the sex is going to happen. If you want to have fun, you can put lots of push and pull, but make it tight, which means to give as much push as pull)

Another reason for why you set this frame is: after using material for showing her what kind of person you are sexually (the frame is, you are sexually open guy, who wants to discover, and looks at sex as not a big deal, read up on what womens likes in term of sex). Now she will start making an image of HER having sex with YOU, and fantasies how it will be. She will maybe start visualizing how it is to have sex with you. And think about it, a women fantasizing having sex with you, but not sure it will happen, she will start to want it madly. This will arouse her a lot, and just some straight shockwave escalation later on will be enought for closing the deal. I will get back later on, on what kind of sexual escalation fits with sex talk, this will be for another time

By making her visualize her having sex with you will amp up the feeling lots. In fact, she doens't have to visualize a lot for really getting aroused. Just visualizing less than a min is enought (this is maybe the only little time you can allow her to have in a club were there is a big chaos level. Oh about chaos levels, i often do sex talk in peaceful corners, or in smoking area for best results. In daygame, it's all fine, do it at the day2 after chatting a bit, transiation over to sex talk, or during the approach after managing some rapport and after setting a convo topic, transiation it to sex talk, putting a sexual frame early, like with a sex joke, early on is highly recommended. The earlier you frame the interaction the stronger the frame will be.

Back to visualision. My definition of sexual tension is: Making her think consicously that there is no sex going to happen, but uncounsciously sex is going to happen. Pretty much a bit push and pull effect. She doesn't know if sex is going to happen but she sense a vibe that she can get it from you, and as you know if you use the sexual prizing theory, she will want to get that sex, because you showed her you can give an amazing sex. Being a prize, if the sex is the prize or not, a girl won't go for the prize, fight for the prize, if the prize isnt worth it. So show her what the prize is first, by using sexual prizing.

Get it? jsut ask if there is something you didn't understand.

Last purpose...

By sex talking, you show a girl what kind of person you are, what you expect from a girl. Mostly she will follow on.. and enjoy it. But in case she show vibes that she didn't like it, she screened herself out. You talk about sex, she freaks out, this means simply that she isn't up for sex tonight, or simply not up for sex with you... yeah just get it, you can't attract every hooties in this world. You will only increase the amount of lays with this, not lay everygirls on the planet.

But this only makes sense if you removed asd already. Cause sometimes she would like to have sex with you, but the ASD kicks in, use more asd techniques in the case (like the sexual reframing, isolations and so on) and check out, if she still have freak outs, you simply know that she doen't want sex with you, or that she don't like the stuff you like in terms of sex, then you will not enjoy the sex anyway. Or maybe she is just a cocktease? or maybe her ASD is just that big that it is not worth to keep going?

In fact what you do is simple, you give her an expectation, so if she still talks with you, she is qualifieng herself sexually to you. Which means you talk about sex, and she keeps listening and enjoying it, means she accepts it. Which is an early sign that sex is going to happen between you two. Now make sure you don't ruin that vibe.

This was the stuff for today, there is so much more coming Just want to keep the tension coming.

Final note: It's not that you have to talk about sex for hours. You open, then you create some vibes, some frame controle. Then you transaition into a sex topic, sexual reframing. Talk a bit about sex (debatting if you want), use different sexual prizing tehcniques (new stuff coming up soon, stay on touch) then qualify her sexuall to you, and set we are on same team frame in terms of sex with her. Then escalate (shockwave escalation and dirty talking for final escalation to sex, coming up soon) and then sex. Max time spent with a girl should be maximum in total: 30 min, for sure you can allow yourself up to a bit mroe sometimes, but try to not overgame, you can kill the vibe. And of course you don't have to use All the tecnhiques only if you get the feeling that it's required. You should get this feeling, since your are experienced, cause this is postedi n advanced, not because it's difficult, it jsut require some experience (timbridges not included)

So see ya later.

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