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Cheesy as hell, I know. But I used it on a girl last year, turned out we had a lot in common, and we started dating.
Question is, is this too forward? I'm wondering if it betrays any interest or makes the questioner seem a little off. Or does it make her feel good, because someone wants to know about her?
Any insight is appreciated.
EDIT: A variant I've recently come up with is "You look like you have something interesting to tell me". Tried it on an HBAsian 2 nights ago and her face lit up like a 100-watt bulb.
Sometimes I get tired of beating around the bush, and this goes double for getting to know someone. So when I'm talking to a girl, I'll say something like, "Tell me something interesting (about you)" or "Tell me five of your favorite things" in a way to quickly elicit her values and better connect with her. Sometimes you'll get real lame stuff like "flowers" or "black panthers" that you can't relate to, but other times you get her legitimate values.