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What's New on Fast Seduction 101 - mASF Post - “First thing ...”

Recent post by mankite, [Month Day Year]

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Like any skill ..

seduction takes practice ...

the most powerful tool that you have right now ...

you probably are not using at all ...

Pauses ...

The pause is super powerful !!

there .. I said it .. now you have a secret weapon.

(by the way , if you count the periods ..... and pause for one second for each period ... then you will have the correct time for each pause)

I speak this way ... ALWAYS

No acceptions .. I had to completely reform my speech patterns to do it but I did it anyway. Some people hated it and would get mad at me and bitch at me but ...

I did it anyway ....

Some people would trance slightly during the pauses but speaking about intense topics like umm ... the last time she and I fucked .. keeps them from going DDB until I can handle the logistics (i.e. location)

This also can drive people to strong emotional responses or at least emotionally charged which is what you should be looking for. It means that intensity is high and things tend to go on a hair trigger (or get anchored just as quickly) and the probability of a primal response goes way up

Thats what you want .. a primal response ..

So ...

like muscles need exercise so does behavior ..

The pause is best used when placed correctly and the best way to practice it is by telling jokes ...

Simple Joke (the ... is the pause in seconds):

question: What is red and smells like blue paint ?

response: I don't know ?

Punchline: ... red paint !

(it's stupid ... I know, forget about that and remember that this has to cross language barriers and needs to be a simple thing to learn .. but powerful enough to make a difference)

Pauses go where the target expects something to be .. does that make sense ?

I dropped my watch in the toilet .... I was having a shitty time

It gives them time to think and imagine .. or picture in their minds .. what you are saying.

It is unnatural ..

To PAUSE ....

all the fucking time ........

but .......

what the fuck is anyone going to do about it ... most of the time people just put up with me and I do love them dearly for that .. (yes you too mASF) .. but I know I drive em bit crazy. hahahaha

so exercise your skills in pausing ..

I learned from listening to a professional salesman who made millions as a public speaker ... giving seminars to corporate types.

he was and still is the king ...

of correctly placed pauses ...

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