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What's New on Fast Seduction 101 - mASF Post - “FR: A Landmark Day. I will never be the same but for the positive. Please read. I feel liberated again.”

Recent post by TumblingDice, October 25, 2009

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There has been an area in my interactions with women that was a gaping hole for a long time, which is my inability to go out of my way to approach women during the school day and to be to be direct with them. Pretty much I’ve built a system that involves me meeting girls as I go through out my day but the downside to it is you don’t really try to go that far out of your way to meet women and it is at a very leisurely pace. But you still end up meeting a lot of girls if you take advantage when the opportunities are there like when she is beside you. I’m accustomed to what I refer to as “cold opening” for example you are walking up campus and a girl is beside you there and I just say something or if she is in line at any given place that’s not a big deal either. As some of you may know I meet many girls in the cafeteria and I was never in a rush for anyone girl I knew somehow someway we would meet by me just being in the same places as them (Routine Activity Game) and I had a pretty good system worked out after
I’d get the initial introduction. But as some of you may have noticed towards the end of the semester last year (well 2009) I put up a thread in the missions “The TumblingDice Diaries” Where I either wanted to cold approach girls and open them up directly or girls I just had no contact with whatsoever directly because all the girls I was interested in pretty much ran low towards the end of the school year and I figured this would be a quick way to get what I wanted (more access to hott and cool girls)

I’ve always felt that girls would be into me just off of my appearance and that I didn’t have to do anything all that special, just be. My school game is real relaxed but when I do night game (not that often these days yet) its more ballsy. But I didn’t feel I have much middle ground game either something happens in college because there is so many factors or in night game I maybe even over doing it sometimes. Like with big balls openers or being overly cocky as opposed to just being normal may have done me in and things of that nature. Anyway I feel like I may have lossed girls in various ways but I have always wanted to do pure direct to see what kind of outcomes I could get. I feel I am a good looking dude, many masfers have seen me I am not elusive. I feel lots of girls would be interested in me based on looks solely. There have been some of the girls that I liked the most throughout my life in terms of looks, have thought of me to be cute as well. But there was one problem with this…
I held on to this for confidence, for myself, my self image and on and on.
As much as I think chicks would be open to my directness and my approach and how much my life could be improved if I made these moves I kept things the way I was doing it not realizing my full potential. Not progressing to be the man I want to be. You know why? Even though there was so much to gain, there is a chance that my “hot guy” perception could come crashing down on me and that maybe I wouldn’t even have that. That and the factor that newman301 /xguitaristx talked about a long time ago that we both had this thing about us where we were afraid of the girls perception of “why is this guy so nervous to talk to me” that was a strong detriment and those 2 factors have really held me back.
So last Thursday I inviting my new friend from Iran to a small show to see my friend Alex play the guitar in this rock/jazz outfit. The dude is the best guitarist around, nuts. But my Iranian friend Ali was telling me that earlier in the day that he had approached this black girl who he had a “crush” on. Now this dude can barely string 2 sentences together and he is fucking going out of his way to meet girls in a country where he has been here only a few months. I was impressed because his friend Omi d just says how easy it is to get girls in Iran but American girls just don’t like them (yes that whole schtick) Ali apparently hasn’t been corrupted with this mindset. He was even warned how black girls are apparently more impolite and this and that. I told him that’s not really true and some of the most sweet girls I talk to around here are black. I don’t know the legitimacy of his pickup (he made basic convo , went back to his friends but got her number as she was leaving). I was like fuck even this guy is doing what I wanna do and look at his crutches!! But apparently he didn’t have the biggest crutch at all. I asked him “Arent you nervous to do that?” He goes “No…why would I?” It’s just normal to him. I then told him how there is this girl who I swear is of Iranian descent (but American born/ or raised) and he was like “Ahh show me the next time we are in the cafeteria” Go figure that the day would be the next day, LMAO.
So we are in the cafeteria and Ali had excused himself because his ex girlfriend had called and in walk 3 girls…
One really gorgeous Indian girl ( I love IG’s) with a stacked body, one not so attractive Indian girl (go figure) and THE GIRL. The girl who is so gorgeous I almost cannot believe it. My target.
And they sit about 15 feet away and to the right from us. I write down on paper that the girl in jeans and a blue sweatshirt is the girl. I wrote it down so I could tell him not to make a big deal out of it, to be discrete…I didn’t know how he would react then and there (he’s foreign! LOL)
He goes “so what’s the plan”
I go “I don’t know”
I know how he is so I tell him not to make any moves on my accord but to allow me to do my own thing. H e looks at me in bewilderment how I can be nervous and I see it in his eyes. I try to change the subject so I can force a state change. A more social one now. Anyway he brings it back up again and I can feel the pressure rising again. This is a girl who I have seen around from the café to around campus but we are pretty much strangers, we have never made ec, but I’m sure she has laid eyes on me. I’ve even had clear shots to sarge her like Monday where I could have sworn it was her sitting all alone at a table studying ( I didn’t see her face but somehow I just knew) I walked by her unsure if it was her and went to study. When finished I’m about to leave and I pass her from a ways from behind and she is still there. I don’t see her face but I know it’s her but I leave.
Sometimes you get so bad at disappointing yourself that even you know how much you are gonna be pissed at yourself afterwards you still go through this repeating cycle. I was pissed at myself that day.
I walked out of the library pissed and from there I was walking through the student union and got an idea for a piece of writing so I go to star bucks and start writing it. “The War Within My Mind”. My best friend is coming to meet me there because he just arrived on campus and in a girl walks in, this beautiful half asian girl that I was talking to briefly in the summer but she was constantly traveling Europe. I fell out of touch with her and she got a bf somewhat recently…go figure. Another anchor fired off “ohh there is another reminder of a girl that coulda worked out” I said hi and we had basic conversation. She wasn’t as friendly as I thought she’d be. I never see her so it was weird timing. I walked out of starbucks and there was my best friend Crimson. As he was saying “man I see why you were there it’s a girl watering hole!” To my side vision I see a girl referred to as “The Girl With No Name” She is the most beautiful girl I see that I just have no clue about her, just see her as I’m going through out my day just sometimes. Pissed off me of course I am in no mood right now. We go to the gym and I see a girl smiling at me in the aerobics machine through the mirror. It was a girl that I tried to go after when I was an AFC a couple years back. She even had interest in me but I did typically AFC behaviors that sent her running to the hills. She smiled and I smiled back. Later on I see the most underrated girl from my high school. No one cared for her then but of course is great now. That day was the trippiest days for me it was a mix of the girls that didn’t work out and the girls that I never gave the chance to. Keep in mind if I see one of these girls other than the one in the library…it is unusual. I’ve had a level of success but a level of “what if’s “ for sure.
So back to the cafeteria on Friday, her friends both go to get more food and there she is…its almost like the spot light is just on her in my mind but for whatever reason I wanted to make the move WITH HER FRIENDS THERE! For what I was planning on doing I figured it would have a powerful social effect even though If I opened her solo I would have gotten a clearer read on her. But I wanted to make it a case where her friends were witnesses to this “cute guy” doing something out of the ordinary something that they will discuss later and tell her other friends what happened. Have them keep an eye out for me, basically to be positive reinforcement social proof for me. Indirect pivoting if you will hahah.
So all the girls get back to the table and I feel they are leaving soon. The hot Indian gets up, but she is getting food. She sits back down. Something happens to me all of a sudden and I don’t know how my nervous energy got switched to a state of EXCITEMENT it was amazing and at this point I stood up and my brain shut off and I was a locked on missile going for my target!
I walk up
TumblingDice: “Excuse me…I just had to tell you that I think you are really pretty”
Her: Thanks…shy smile.
I tell her my name and extend my hand she tells her name and gives me her hand
TumblingDice: “Alright, I just had to get that off of my chest”
I walked to the foodline right behind them, got some General Zoas and went back to my seat to find a curious Ali, lol. I told him what happened. I just wanted to open her that way and be so open and honest and It felt great afterwards. I’ll see her on another day and we will see how things progress.
If she was there alone I would have taken her reaction as a “that was nice of you but I am not interested” but since she had 2 friends there I think there could be more to it. That she wanted to remain semi neutral in front of them, maybe one of those girls have seen me before and thought I was hot and the Iranian gave me a toned down response out of respect for her friends. There can be so many factors.
But as gorgeous as she is it was not about her. It was about me being the man I want to be. It was me getting passed my social hang-ups, approaching how I wanted to for so long. It was about me evolving, getting out of the way I was doing things and trying something I put off for so long. And I wasn’t this pleased with myself since the first cold approach that I ever done. I felt proud of myself. Her reaction didn’t matter. I know that I can meet women at anytime, anywhere now and I’m not holding on to myself idealize image anymore. I’m putting myself out there and I plan to continue going down this road. I’m starting to become the man I want to be in this aspect and it feels good.

Any comments or suggestions anyone has for me I would love to hear it.I'm a bit unsure about how to go about this girl from here on given her reaction.Of course I am going to try to keep this going with new girls! This took so fucking long to write it was unbelievable. But its big for me and maybe others can get something from it too.

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