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What's New on Fast Seduction 101 - mASF Post - “The boyfriend destroying by qualification”

Recent post by Nostradamus, November 10, 2009

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Every players knows that seduction is not intuitive. Every players knows too that sometimes, the opposite of what is intuitive can be good.

For example, a man who isn't on the community, would say for AMOG the boyfriend of his target: " he's a jerk, he don't care about you ! "

Very intuitive, very bad.

What the girl think after this kind of speech ? Probably something like " No my boyfriend is very nice, I love him ! ".
And if you're a bad player, she will see that you said that for seduce her AND she thinks again " Poor guy, you said that for have me and I don't want you ! "

Consequences? It is a big DLV for you and you activate the buyer's choice negatively.
The time you need to change that is the time you need for pick up her.

So I ask to myself " When I disqualify the boyfriend of my target, she qualify him... So if y qualify him, did she disqualify him ? "

I tried that and that's worked. I never have more girls who have boyfriends before. It was magic as a elephant appeared from my pocket.

How use this technique ?

You just need two elements :

FIRST : Qualify the boyfriend with a DLV

Always qualify the boyfriend where it's not possible. If you don't do that, you AMOG yourself. For example : " He's a VERY nice guy, he probably do the best he can. Be patient a day, he'll try to satisty you ! "

It's already a DHV for you. Why ? Because you show her that you don't want to pick up her. You do you're best for she keep her boyfriend ;D

In a seconde time, you destroy the dead man walking. You said that's a nice guy, he do the best (allusion : he can't do better, you loose your time) and a day he'll try to satisfy you (allusion : you're not satisty and you can't because he don't try and in the futur when he'll try he'll fail*). " Be patient " is good because she want fun, good emotions and pleasure and don't to wait. The only solution is to go away.

*In hypnosis, try is fail


For example :

" He's a VERY nice guy, he probably do the best he can ! Be patient ! A day, he'll try to satisty you ! In the past I WAS a nice guy too and I would have a girldfriend who explain to me how **I can give sexual pleasure, good emotions and a lot of desire who always continue** and I had to learn that alone and only after I was able to bring that to my partners. Be patient, a day you probably feel that ! "

When you say " in the past " until " and only after I was able to... " you do a good allusion : I'm different of your boyfriend so I can give you all he can't give to you ". She has a lack and you represent the solution she need. Be careful to have the good tone if you don't want she thinks it's a VHV. Use the tone of confession.

The framed sentence in ** is a hidden suggestion for her inconscious mind. You said directy to her inconscious mind what you want. For do that you have to represent "sexual desire" by making the movement of a ball beetween her and you ; for "good emotions" you making the ball bigger and you do the same for the " desire " and at the moment when you say " Be patient, a day you probably feel that ! " you bring the ball in your chest.

I use a lot of hypnosis with women but it's not an obligation for use this technique with succes, just use a good kino escalation.

I remember a day, I was picking up a girl who was addict to her ex boyfriend. I tried to go on others subjects with no succes. So I decided to just qualify him until the end and when I say goodbye she ask to me if I would want to go on restaurant another day. She had completely forget her boyfriend.

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