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Recent post by Zardoz, December 3, 2009

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In speed seduction»», there is no magic pickup button. No special line, no amazing spin routine, no secret Kino spot that will create attraction. There is this; your energy and your action. You can have great calm, present, and positive energy that draws people in and lifts their spirits. But without action, leadership, the ability to make decisions and move forward, charisma becomes like a painting on the wall. Action alone just creates drama, like a random gunshot fired into a crowd.

A note on this thing called “State.” Too many guys rely on this terminology as an excuse for inaction. I hear this bullshit all the time, “Oh man. My state just dropped,” “I would go out but I’m not in state,” “Shit bro, my state sucks tonight.”

Enough! I command thee nerds to drop the concept. Stop using the damn word until you know what it means. Here is the correct terminology for, “State:”

Feeling good

Or otherwise known as………..drumroll………..

Having fun

“How do you get in state bro?”

Feeling good is a conscious decision. When I go out do I sometimes feel scared? Intimidated? Alone? Self conscious? Of course I do. That is not really a good state to be in is it? So I just don’t think about it. I force a smile onto my face and think, “Lalalala! Life is grand!” Does that fix it? Well….yes. I think happy thoughts. Sometimes I still feel shitty but whenever the, “bad,” thoughts arrive I just swish them away. I ignore them. Simple as that. And if that doesn’t work I go talk to girls. Because girls make me feel good.

I know you guys want a graph or a chart or a deep philosophical viewpoint on female attraction triggers but the truth is this. To pickup girls, you first, “Feel Good,” and then, “Approach girls.” That is it.

Positive Energy+Action=Attraction

The rest of the shit will figure itself out. All the advanced stuff out there will help here and there, but really it’s quite simple. The problem with most guys is that they can’t put the two halves together. They either won’t feel good or they won’t take action. Maybe they don’t feel good because they don’t take action. Maybe it’s the opposite.

Of course we all have unique cognitive abilities. I for one am highly creative and moderately intelligent which is surprising due to the massive amounts of thc, lsd, alcohol and other foreign bodies….never mind. Anyway some people are just dumb. In this game creativity and intelligence will get you further than looks, money, height, race, or even fame will. With creativity you can create all these factors within your reality anyway.

So you are thinking, “Fuck you Zardoz. It’s not that easy. I’ve been doing this for 2 years and I’m still not pulling ass.” Ok you’ve been going out. That’s good. Assuming it’s more than once a week, then your problem is, “closing.” I was stuck there for a long time. Entertainer man! Hooray! It’s the funny entertainer man!”

You had her at hello.

Think about that. “Hello.”

Imagine if all you had to do to get the girl was to say, “Hello,” and then walk her out of the bar, into your car, to your bed and onto eternal joy with squirting liquids and spoon snuggles.

It really is that easy. This is the model in my head.

A ------- Z

A is me approaching the girl. Z is my penis inside her. Why waste time with all the other shit if I have her at “Hello.” I don’t need to, “create rapport,” or “pump my state,” or do anything at all really. I might as well be famous!

Ok it doesn’t work that way does it? There is her attraction level, logistics, cock blocks, boyfriends, etc. That is basically the rest of the alphabet. So you learn to deal with that shit.

You can’t prepare for the worst. So embrace it. Go out and try to pull. Tell the girl, “Come to my house with me.” As caveman as that is. Instead of talking, start kissing. Start as close the end as possible.

Start as close to the end as possible.

That’s an old writing law for fiction. You want to write a great story--then live it. Take a likeable character, do terrible things to them, and start as close to the end as possible.

I don’t think I can make this any simpler. Though most of you will read this and go back to reading another forum by some guru, before jerking of and hitting the bong for one more round of WOW. That’s cool.

Not really. I actually love video games. And If that makes you happy. Go for it. If you can’t go out four days a week because you are studying to be a lawyer….good for you. But if you want to master pick up, you have to get off your ass and talk to strangers.

For those of you stuck on a plateau of eternal gaming and you need a law, it’s about, “one in ten.” If you try your best to seduce ten women. And you start at the end. You will lay at least one in ten. These are women that are attracted from hello. Not girls that give you their number because they want you to go away.

For myself it’s about one in seven. The rest of the girls just weren’t attracted enough to me, or her reality wouldn’t allow a new relationship. But I can surely date one out of seven. There are so many variables out there. Could I lay many more women? Hell yes. But they wouldn’t be of the beauty and wit that I am attracted to. So no I don’t lay a new girl every time I go out, and that is fine with me. Hedonism is pleasure for pleasure’s sake. Yuck.

So here it is.

Positive Energy+Action=Attraction

A----Z = Start as close to the end as possible.

Dedicated to my frustrating friends who can’t get this shit sorted yet. I’ll meet you at the top of the hill.

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