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What's New on Fast Seduction 101 - mASF Post - “FR++: LMR from HELL, persisted three/four times still Boyfriend issues. SO close.”

Recent post by Sosha, December 3, 2009

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I'm actually trying to learn to write more vividly and expressively so I’ve written the end very descriptive and detailed for your enjoyment.

My buddy came over and he bought a girl who I haven’t seen in a long time with him. We chat and enjoy the vibe and my mate keeps slightly cutting me off in conversation but just generally being himself while around women (making sexual jokes and the like, and she was laughing with him, and she knew he had a GF). But I had a free house, and we all decided we should sleep over. We went to the local supermarket, and bought some shopping as I had promised them I was going to cook for them. She said that she has never tried stir fry before, and I told her we were going to cook it together. (My mate got microwaveable fish and chips lol)

We got back, and stuck his fish and chips in the oven, while I had to take an important phone call from mum. When I got back, his food was nearly ready, but we hadn’t started ours. I decided to take a shower. I tell her to get up from the sofa and that its cooking time, and we end up cooking some penne pasta with tomato pesto sauce, chicken in breadcrumbs and some veg and noodle stir fry. All this time I’m kinoing like I have a disease And later on in the night she does the same to me. At this point just her upper body from her waist up. Now, while cooking I tell her ALL about my passion for it and explain really deeply, and how I love to experiment with it. I tell her how much I love experimental people and she agrees. HI5, and I hold her hand lightly down. Nothing too overt yet, as my friend is still there in the kitchen while were cooking it all. I show her some pictures on my phone, she puts her number in by herself without me asking and I warn her that I have a picture of my dick on there so she should watch out. She ends up looking at my phone and finding it Although she obviously did this deliberately, as she said “No, I wanna see ” I got her super involved in the cooking so she wouldn’t be bored. It was at this point I realised I wanted to fuck her.

We then move it into the living room, me and her have a beer, and by the end of the night she has two. I feel she had the second one after she realised she was attracted and wanted some alcohol to enjoy the experience more. She was not drunk. We talk about passions again, and stories, how I ended up half way to Germany while drunk and the like and she enjoys them. I explain to her how I learned so much from living in Amsterdam and how it was so important to be non judgemental. Explaining to her how women have a huge double standard today: that they are put down for the most natural of things. I tell her that everyone loves sex but women have to keep it on the low otherwise there are social consequences for them.

Me: Its funny you know, women get put down for the most natural of things. If you like sex, and have sexual fantasies and want to enjoy it, you get put down. If you want to reach the top of your career, you’re on a huge uphill battle. If you want to join the army, people say “a womans place is in the kitchen” and I really don’t believe at all in judging you just for your natural desires.
LOW5, and I hold her hand, and rub the top of it near the knuckles with my thumb. Mind you my mate doesn’t see any of this because otherwise ASD would be a big issue. Then I end up showing them Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and showing that sex was one of the most basic human needs, and that you shouldn’t get put down for it.

We watch some TV, but move it into my room just next door to the living room. I ask who wants to sleep in my bed and she calls dibs (she knows I'm sleeping in that bed). I put on some smooth tunes, and show them all my art sketchbooks and some photos, going in again very deep about my passions for it, and my inspiration from my stepdad. How in this world too many people don’t follow their passions and live an unfulfilling life, and how I want my life to be a collection of experiences, and not just material possessions. She’s really interested. Another LOW5, this time she rubs my hand too.

After a while of this, my buddy says he’s stting up the alarm for tomorw, that he will wake her, and that he is going to watch TV in the other room (Great, isolation!.He should have realised earlier, but I can tell he just wanted to watch TV.) and at this point I pull out the good stuff. She tells me how much she loved the cooking today, and how she’s never done anything like that before. How she loves how I talk with passion about everything that I'm passionate about. We talk about how women are put down for the silliest of things, about sex fantasies and how most guys suck in bed. My roommate comes in at this moment (were just lying next to eachother) and asks if anyone wanted to watch Rambo with him. Come no dude, wtf? We say something and he leaves. We get back to how annoying it is to get hit on by drunk guys who expect to sleep with you while barely being able to walk. How they can’t give you even one of the eight orgasms you can have. I tell her about my view on relationships, and how I feel that even if girls have boyfriends (I never knew she had one) that its not cheating. Its not cheating despite what what society and their friends tell them, because they are just being a woman and experimenting with their sexuality which is the birthright of all women. All this time, she is lying down in her PJ’s and I ask her is she’s ever felt sexual tension before. She says shes not sure. I take her hand (hold it), gently pull her up and I show her it. I look deep into her eyes and In a bedroom voice say “When you look deep into someones eyes... and you fell this sensation... that feels really good between you two. Very few people have had this feeling before, and they always go around looking for it. Its such a good feeling, don’t you feel?”
Her: Mmmm...
Me: So let me ask you, what do you like more? When I do this... (slowly move in and kiss her neck) or this... (move from neck to lips and make out gently[I PULLED THE TRIGGER! ])........
Her: The only thing is Guy is in the next room. (she goes and checks on him... comes back) I have to say though... Wait let me think how to put it right... ... Just the way you kiss, makes me feel like you feel comfortable with yourself. And if you kiss that good, I just wonder what your like in bed?
I take her hand, “Well thats the thing, I like that your open about things, because just imagine all the old women who in their lifetime wanted to try something but never did. When your old you don’t regret the things you did,,, but more like the things you didn’t try” and look deep in her eyes...
Can you feel it... that feeling thats here, (place my hand just above her left breast) right?
Her: Yeah (now also bedroom voice)
Me: And I bet it feels good when I do this... (wallslam... were leaning on each others foreheads looking deep into eachothers eyes...keeping the sexual tension... make out)
Her: I have a boyfriend
Me: Thats ok, we don’t need him... I don’t judge women for acting on their natural desires
I then take her by the waist and makeout with her. Put her on my bed and a makeout session ensues. I just about go for her breast when she puches me back, and says “Lets go make sure Guy is asleep”

This is where things go slightly downhill. We end up back in the living room watching Rambo. She gets out her phone and fucks about with it, texting someone. She has a picture of her boyfriend as her screensaver, and I feel like he text her. Now I have to stop this somehow, or ASD will fuck me over...
Me: Hey have you got any games on your phone?
Her: Yeah how come
Me: How do I get on them?
She shows me, and then realises her battery is low and doesn’t end up giving me the phone.
Once the movie was finished, she suggested we all sleep in one bed... you can see where this is going (no, not a threesome ) I ignore the idea, and go for a tinkle in the bathroom. When I get out, she already has a pillow from my room.
Me: Where will I sleep?
Her: You can sleep alone...
Me: Nah, I get scared by myself (or something similar)
We go into the living room sofa bed and I lie next to her, after 10 minutes I'm playing with her hand again, and she seems to be receptive. After a bit, my buddy ends up fucking off into the other room for some reason (maybe he FINALLY clocked on what was going on?) And she goes to see if he is in a strop, because she thinks he’s fussed about this.
She ends up coming back into the living room and were isolated again. I try to get the boyfriend out of the picture by transitioning into...
Me (bedroom voice): And I realised that women have so many need nowadays that need to be met, spiritual needs, mental needs, physiological needs, PHISICAL needs... and its always good when one person can fulfil that... ... Is that what it’s like with your boyfriend?
Her: Um...
Me: Oh?
Some more talk, and then I transition into “If anything ever were to happen between us, I have a feeling that we might just not be sexually compatible.... .... I tell you what, lets play a game. Its called no sex-sex [Chopan] we are going to have sex... but only in out minds... But no touching... can you handle that?”
Then we end up looking into eachothers eyes in the darkness, and fantasizing about eachother.
Me (bedroom voice): Where are we?
Her: None of your business
After a minute of this I can see shes getting turned on by her heavy breathing and her lips. I help her out. “We’ll have a safeword, and if ever you feel the pleasure getting too big, you just say and I will stop. The safeword is Bananna.” I start whispering into her ear, all sorts of things. This is all said very slowly.
“mmm,,, I can see your enjoying this... your breathing is getting heavy... and as you listen to the sound of my voice, you can just picture it so clearly in front of you. You just imagine it so vividly that it just feels SO real... that you can just reach out and touch” (I kiss her on the cheek and start gently lightly touching my fingers over her arm) “and you that that the best thing about it, is that you are free to explore your deepest fantasies, because you know... your safe.... and this is all in your head.... Can you picture it in front of you and how good it feels to be totally free from everything. And how good it feels when I do this. (now moving onto her stomach)... mmm, can you just feel how good that is... when I do that. You can just relax and enjoy this feeling becasue you know that when you take chances, thats the real you... (Start massaging her kino spot on her bum) doesn’t that just feel sensational”{Maybe the above can work for others? or do you guys already do this?}
Her: mmmm,,, I can’t. We can’t do this.
Me: Do what?
Her: You know what.
Me: Were not having sex tonight (stated as a fact, not a question)

She puts up some LMR again which I fortunately get through, and end up kissing her neck, her cheeks, moving that to her stomach, and slowly working my way up to her breasts (this is all in like 10 minutes, I want to her the tension)
She then pulls up and says she cant do this again, and she goes on to say how she cant cheat on her boyfriend. She says she has cheated before but with others. She feels differently about this one. “I love my boyfriend”

I try to get around this by saying she can still be with her boyfriend, and that Its natural for a woman to want to explore her natural sexual desires. That were both adults, and we will both do what were comfortable with (60), all while still kinoing her on the arm and giving reassurance that everything will be alright. That I'm not a judgemental person, and that I feel its very important to keep secrets. But I couldn’t escalate again. I was clueless what to do after the 3rd 4th time (I’ve lost track) So I reassured her that everything will be ok, and that if she is not comfortable with this, then I understand, and I didn’t want to pressure her. She suggested that she was not sure whether she could sleep in the same room, and if she should go into the other room. I told her “Thats perfectly fine, I understand, its totally your choice”

And after a minute of thinking about it, she went into the other room with my mate. When I woke up two hours ago, they had already left to college, and I started writing this FR.

I have her number, anything I should send her?
What happened with the LMR, was the bubble not strong enough? was it any good what I did to combat it?
I still want to fuck her, and I'm sure she wants it too. But about the BF?
Did you like my newer style of descriptive writing? Like was the beginning too long with no action, or was it too much descriptive, too long? Thoughs

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