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I have recently started doing some of these, and it has improved my game tremendously.
I had started getting pissed about this guy who rolls with my social group, who is a complete alpha. It always seemed like he got any of the top-shelf girls that came around our group. In addition, he always seemed to find a way to take the wind out of my sails. He would never be insulting, but just the way he carried himself and interacted with me displayed complete dominance. So, I started reading some old stuff from TD and Mystery about using compliments and touching as AMOG techniques.
The secret here it to make it friendly. No pushing. I started coming up behind a guy, after I met him, even if I only know him casually, and doing one of these lines. This is especially great if he's mid-set.
FUM: *while putting arm around guy's shoulder* "This guy! Girls, I just want you to know, I just met AMOG a few minutes ago. And, I have to tell you, he has got to be the coolest guy I've ever met. I mean, just way too cool for school."
This puts you in a place of dominance. You aren't saying this as a way of supplicating to the guy - that's obvious from the hand over his shoulder. Instead, you are GRANTING him your approval.
Most guys will take this well, but seasoned alpha's will catch on, and you'll get caught in a little dominance struggle. The key here is to not give in. Control the frame.
AMOG: "Don't touch me man."
FUM: *start rubbing his shoulders* "Come on, man, you need to loosen up! Isn't he tense, ladies?"
AMOG: *sometimes throwing your hands off* "Dude, are you gay?!"
FUM: "Only for you, AMOG, only for you."
Then walk away like something else caught your interest.
I've field-tested this a ton of times already, and it's fucking money. Don't do this until you've met the guy, and had a little convo with him, as a way of disarming an obstacle. Once it becomes obvious who the alpha is, and if the alpha won't cede his position to you easily, start these techniques. Usually, the AMOG will feel the dominance shifting in the group, and become more and more emotional and aggressive as the night passes. This is good. This plays into the frame of YOU being the dominant one, and HE being insecure.
If he's a real gorilla type, try to diffuse it from a physical confrontation, but retain dominance. This hasn't happened to me yet, but if others want to field test this, let me know how you diffused it.
A lot of this is old stuff, but it's worth reiterating. I'm starting to realize, with game, to follow Ricky Bobby from Talledega Nights: "If you're not first, you're last." If you, or your close friends, are not the alphas in a group, you are not in the leadership circle, and you aren't banging HB10's. This makes AMOGing absolutely essential.
As far as the alpha from my social group, it worked like a charm. I was flirting with his GF by the end of the night =)