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Recent post by MrXXX, January 24, 2010

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Before everyone here starts going: "hey you can't just not give a fuck about everything" you must understand that I chose to post this IN AN SEDUCTION FORUM for the mere reason that this is in-fact, both to what I believe is one, if not, the true factor that not only get's your game sky-rocketed but changes your life dramatically for the good; thus why I named this topic "One of the secrets of life".

Let’s get started. One more thing, I don't believe in giving anyone a direct answer or "guide" on how to perform a PU or how should I go about doing PU. I believe that experience is the best teacher available and that we as humans each have unique characteristics that help us succeed in PU differently than others. So understand that the only reason I post this is because *IT APPLIES TO EVERYONE THAT HAS EVER DONE A PU OR HAS EVER WANTED TO CHANGE THEIR LIFE FOR THE GOOD AND FIGURED THIS KEY OUT ALL ON THEIR OWN*.

On to the secret:


If the woman you “love” can’t look at you in the eyes and truly mean it THEN STOP CARING (if this happens to be your girlfriend or wife then you might want to consider fixing the situation or leave the relationship if you can’t fix it, no point in staying with something that is fruitless at the end….)
If you get blown off by HB10 STOP CARING.
If you get blown off by HB6 STOP CARING.
If you always tell yourself you can’t do it. STOP GIVING A FUCK WHAT YOU THINK AND MAKE SOMETHING HAPPEN.
If your friends tell you that “it’s not possible and you’re not going to do it” STOP CARING WHAT THEY THINK. PERIOD.
There are way too many examples to use; I just used some of the most popular ones out there.

Now, no this does not mean stop caring about your girlfriend you love or your wife you are married to. That’s taking it to the wrong extreme. What I am saying is all the little things that fuck up your game big time because of unfortunate circumstances when you were a young one do…*STOP CARING*.

Now let’s take a look at the root to understand why we humans tend to care so much. See we as humans are born and raised in different environments which ultimately lead to the persona that we are today. Some people are raised in environments that allow you to interact with more people, have care with your parents and live a happy, fruitful life while others for reasons that seem determined by the gruesome course of life are presented with other obstacles: Parents never cared for you, lack of friends when you are young one which leads to separation from other school friends, bad relationships with parents, natural shyness, natural WBAFC traits. There are so many things that make us the person we are today that I could not possibly list them. Regardless that is not the point.

See what I have studied and noticed is people who lived good, normal lives are the best natural pick up» artist. (That and the traits they inhibited from birth). While other people (*ESPECIALLY PEOPLE WHO GREW UP WITHOUT A FATHER FIGURE IN THEIR LIFE*) Do not do as well. Let me be even blunter, ARE WBAFC when it comes to women.
[Credits go to my Psychology class I took in College where I got my data]

Now this is just a basic grasp of understanding why we humans tend to care so much. Bluntly put a man who lived a great life and has everything he needs will not care about the "other things" in his life as much as the man who did not have as well of a life so the few things he has he tends to "cling on". Yes this is an extreme example but it happens every day right in-front of our faces.

So why do I say *STOP CARING*?

In-case you do/do not know women are not rational beings. You cannot figure them out by thinking about it. So you have to present yourself with traits that ultimately will allow you to spread your seed towards another woman. A good number of these traits you are born with while some you are not and have to learn. It’s funny how creative and unique life is. Some people are born with all the traits needed to be a natural» PUA while some guys need to learn ALL THE TRAITS to become what they want to be regarding seduction ( Nevertheless everything *CAN BE LEARNED*) . You just have to stop caring about all the bad traits and learn to emphasize on the good ones.

I’m also going to let y’all in on another secret. In-case you did not know is you measure your success with not only with progress on the field and the number of women you have fucked. But success is also measured in your daily, healthy, normal life. See one of things you might/have realize (depending on your level of seduction) is that seduction also improves your life as a whole. You become a more interesting, confident persona that everyone wants to be around with.

I’ll use myself as an example. When I was an AFC I also coincidently had no friends and never went out. It was not until I took the time to fix myself AND CHANGE myself that I began changing my life for the good. I also always cared way too much. The rare times one of my friends would call me to hang out I would arrive there early, agree with everything they say and not do anything “risky” because I did not want to lose the relationship with the one friend I had.

I don’t give a fuck anymore. I value my time so much more and to be honest I don’t care if I spend time with anyone because I know that I am now a complete person. My friends and their friends have begun seeing the change in me and now every weekend I constantly have 2-3 parties I’m invited to because my friends love being around me and the new person I have become. All because *I STOPPED CARING SO DAMN MUCH.*
Now once again let me emphasize the DONT’S. Don’t go telling everyone you see “I don’t give a fuck about you” (or anything similar) to presume an “Alpha male»” status. Don’t do that man, that’s just stupid and some big black guy will kick your ass……
Don’t stop caring about the things you really love. If you love to ski then ski but don’t have an attitude of “I’m the shit so skiing is not to my level” again that is just stupid…
You get the point..
Stop caring about what everyone thinks about you because it is interfering with your ability to stretch your mind and open yourself up to new opportunities and experiences.

Well that wraps it up. Learn to stop caring about every small thing and that will greatly help you become the person you want to be. This advice (once followed) will change your life forever in every aspect thus making it A SECRET TO LIFE.

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