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All my understanding of game until today in what aims to be a comprehensive model. Hope you like.
Pleasure, Beauty and Game
Human beings like other animals are designed to seek pleasure. We get certain amounts of pleasure from everything we do. (original pleasure principle cred: gunwitch) In each of these activities the quality of the things we use or consume give us different amounts of pleasure. Like eating any piece of meat will differ from eating a filet mignon.
“Value” is only the potential amount of pleasure you can get from someone. Cars, food and yes…”looks”.
Beauty *&* Pleasure
For men and women, sex is a source of pleasure. What determines the amount of pleasure we get from each sexual encounter is the level of perceived attractiveness our mate has. For women attractiveness levels can be pushed by social and behavioral factors. This does not mean that attractiveness altogether can be changed, as throughout life our brains have learned to recognize attractive from repulsive physical features. This is the reason why we look for mates with the more attractive qualities, as we unconsciously know that a sexual encounter with them will release more endorphins than having sex with a relatively less attractive mate.
With this “looks” become an amount of pleasure we can provide. Looks becomes somewhat of a drug that your brain can’t learn to dislike, even more so, that your brain will give you reasons to appreciate. “Attraction is not a choice” David D.
The ways of changing the amount of pleasure looks can give are:
-Stereotyping .- Portraying a powerful image in people minds is many times more powerful than looks, as women many times have been conditioned to more pleasurable experiences from a certain stereotype. Hence the amount of pleasure a stereotype vs looks can give is related to the power of the conditioning girls have had.
-Enhancement of attractive qualities .- Going to the gym, teeth whitening, flattering haircut, heels and surgery are all ways to enhance our naturally given pleasure weapons. Chicks know this and this is why they spend tons of time to get that special haircut or jean.
-Manipulation of the mate/meat market.- Attractions is a perceived better chance for a best gen pool. Hence by manipulating the amount of “options” a person has, one will look better than the other. This is one I see really hard to do because our brains don’t recognize from a 100 photoshopped models when comparing it to the actual model in real life. Giving a person who has sex with a model an experience with less pleasure. Watch less TV…and ask girls to do so too. Just joking here.
Pleasure *&* The Game
Game is the power to consistently seduce attractive mates.
As I see it there are two required steps for game:
1) Looks Improvement.- With the before mentioned ways of manipulating looks, aim to reach the higher level of raw attraction as possible. Like this, more and more attractive people will be attracted right from the get-go. Plus there’s no reason to handicap oneself, especially in a highly competitive environment as clubs.
Grooming is an indicator of the willingness to play the game. You can manipulate this too, by looking like you don’t care about it (rugged style), you indicate that you’re not a try-hard, paradoxically getting more attraction. cred: ijjjjji
2) Proper Game.- This is the real game, where you will manage other people internal processes in order to gain power in the relationship and therefore other possible gains. (Social proof, money, better deals)
Just as a side note here. We human beings have developed a higher level of pleasure sources. Beauty is the quality that stimulates the senses. Art is the way of seeking beauty and therefore pleasure. This is why artists have always been regarded as attractive. Girls are fed by the higher levels of pleasure artists can provide.
Suggestions, Comments and Flaming are appreciated.