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What's New on Fast Seduction 101 - mASF Post - “Some Q&A Over My DayGame”

Recent post by Philos, March 2, 2010

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This post refers to some great questions about a pretty strong FR of mine at a local BarnesandNoble. Feel free to read it first

1. At Starbuck’s/Borders/etc. sets are always sitting down/wearing headphones. What then?
Yeah I’ve found they often are seated as well. This is why I use the “Hey did I leave my keys here” opener. It’s great because while you’re looking in between the booth’s cushions, you can start running material. Really easy to run neutral stuff here like opinion openers. They won’t garnish you much DHV, but they’ll buy you time and let you generate some comfort (a la using false time constraints). Whatever you do make sure that you’re either A) seated with them within thirty seconds (use time constraints!) or B) Get them to stand up as well.
As for the headphones, you have two really strong options. Option A works if you are an HG7 (HG= hot guy) or lower. Option B works for all guys, but especially attractive, confident guys and is thus the best choice for them.

-Option A- is Lance Mason/Sensei’s Gym Opener:

“Excuse me, but do those work?”

Girl takes off headphones and says, “What?”

“Do those work?” Girl looks confused. You continue, “See, whenever I’m [INSERT ACTIVITY], I’m ALWAYS being bothered by girls (or say guys if you’re trying to be funny) coming up and talking to me and bothering me. So I was just wondering…Do those work?” (this is funny because she knows you’re being sarcastic but also very knowledgeable of how it is to be a female. This really does work great in gyms if you’re not a super attractive guy.)

-Option B-:
Just be direct. It honestly works wonders. Stick your hand out to get their attention and ask what their listening to. They’ll surely take off the headphones and ask, “What?” and then you act like you’re doing American Sign Language and ask again what their listening to. You can literally say, “Oh, cool” and then launch into a routine.

2. I find that girls ARE usually there with their bfs during daygame. What now?

Don’t worry about it. So girls are there with their bfs. So what? The guy catches you? So what? I’ve been out with my gf’s and I love it when guys run game. Sometimes I learn a thing or two. Plus you’d be amazed how often he is NOT her bf. They are friends, or he thinks their more but she’s put him in the friend’s category

3. Opinion openers come across as creepy from me during daygame. I like situational stuff, but it seems boring. So?

Situational is better for daygame in my opinion, and YES, much less creepy. It goes nowhere because you have no canned material to rely on during awkward moments. Opinion openers fit in well here. See, they used to be called neutral openers, because they’re just filler. So I often use them as such, even in the middle of a sarge.
“Who would you rather fight: a trex or a hundred angry midgets.” or even “would you date a guy with his ex girlfriend” work great as filler. Just keep using time constraints and you’ll be fine. Also remember your number one goal ----Find something to qualify her on. If you’re attractive, all you need is an opener and something to cool to notice about her, mixed with some false time constraints and a high five, and you’re IN, I promise.

4. What about bitch shields?

Yeah, bitch shields are scary stuff, I’m not going to lie. Sometimes I’ll wuss out and walk away too. But honestly, if you stand your ground and stay non-reactive to their comments, you can usually plow through with some neutral shit, like opinion openers. BradP has written some great posts on how to deal with bitch shields. I generally use his sort of lines if I want to address their shield directly. “Hey listen, I’m just trying to be polite/friendly…blah blah blah…and I know you’re only acting like a jerk because you’re approached by DORKs all day…etc”

5. What about hired guns? Give me some good stuff!

I am notorious for being horrible with hired guns of all sorts. Any advice I’d give here would be a flat out fabrication.

6. What about when a girl says she has a boyfriend? Swingcat says I should offer up a false disqualifier first to counterattack this. What do you think.

I pretty much accept the fact that all girls will False Disqualify during an interaction. The best way to react is be unaffected. When she mentions her BF, don’t change a thing, not even body language». I agree with Swingcat that you can False Disqualify first. Sometimes I do, but more as a neg than as a way to ward off her False disqualifier. See, I’ve found they still will claim to have BFs so it doesn’t really help in that sense. What decides if I do? Calibration. It’s really an intuitive feeling of how hot does this girl think that SHE is? I wish I could be more descriptive, but I sort of disagree with Swingcat here. If I sense that this girl is going to dig me right off the bat, and is more down to earth, then I don’t False Disqualify her at all. I just deal with her False disqualifier when it comes. If I sense that she thinks she’s hot shit, then I add one right away in the opener. Instead of asking, “…help me find a gift for my little sister,” I might say, “Help me find a gift for my gf?” Later on, when things have progressed, I’ll get out of this by explaining, “Yeah I never refer to my ex as my ex-gf. It just sounds SOo try hard, like I’m trying to tell you I’m single or something. Plus she and I are still friends so I don’t really see her as this ‘evil ex’ or anything.”

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