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What's New on Fast Seduction 101 - mASF Post - “The Veil of Lies”

Recent post by ijjjji, March 2, 2010

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Original discussion thread:

Around the time when I found ASF and learned that everything I had learned about girls until then was bullshit.. around that time, I also discovered that the highest defenders of truth regarding nutrition, the university professors, were telling the biggest lie imaginable, far far bigger than any lie I had ever heard before in every way.

So, AUTHORITIES LIE. A LOT. Parents, teachers, experts/gurus, spokespersons, government etc etc..

So, is leadership the same as sharing only truths that benefit the greater cause as YOU see it?

YES! Even if looking only at myself, I see this tendency where TRUTH is only a servant to 'greater things'. TIME. HEALTH. HAPPINESS. etc. Its not that I lie alot to people, cos I really really hate how lies taste in your mouth when you say them.. No! Instead I wrap the truth into a TON of wool and paper, and stove it somewhere on the sideline, ONLY to bring it back when the NEED arises. And I speak in ANGLES, PERCEPTIONS, OPINIONS, EMOTIONS and such.. and I do so FREELY (without looking into the wrapped up stuff I left on the sideline).

Example: Try once, at a meeting at work where different parties are present, to START to bring up a fact that is not CONVENIENT to what 'your side' tries to ACHIEVE in the meeting. Behold how people on your side start making excuses, diversions and so on, while hinting that you should STFU. Its kinda funny, and even I do it to my colleagues whenever they touch in on a subject that 'should rest'... OKAY MOTHERFUCKERS, you are now asking WTF this has to do with anything. Well here it is. Ima call it The Law of Lies:

Wherever there are agendas, there are at least TAILORED MISREPRESENTATIONS of the truth.

The implication of this is not only to DISREGARD THE LOGIC CONTENT OF WHAT GIRLS TELL YOU. No, you should in fact disregard ALL INFORMATION until you SEE THE UNDERLYING AGENDA behind sharing that info... Okay we need a paraphrase:

People are never trying to TELL YOU SOMETHING. They are ALWAYS trying to reach some goal FOR THEMSELF, and telling you WHATEVER seems most in line with reaching that goal (for themself).

Take this post for example. Do you really think I ijjjji, the writer, is doing all this to change something in you, 'the reader', to make you more resistant to scams and lies from now on. Sadly not. My reasons are (in order of importance):
-arrange some messy thoughts on this subject.
-rid myself of possible misconceptions (through feedback).
-rid myself of negative/victim feelings I tend to get when I realize others lie to me.
(Then there are probably a ton of subconscious goals related to biologically trying to 'belong to the flock'..)

There you have it. My 'greater view' on the whole 'who lies more' and 'who can you trust' issue. I would LOVE to see some feedback on this, and thats a 100% honest statement

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