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If you've ever seen Trueblood, then you know what "glamouring" is. It's kinda like hypnotizing a girl by speaking in a slow, seductive tone, while staring deeply into their eyes.
I've been practicing glamouring and noticed a few things.
1. Of course its not going to work all the time.
I'm going to try glamouring with rapid kino escalation. This should be a deadly combo.
I am interested in hearing some feedback on glamouring someone that you have known for months versus someone you've known for a few days or weeks. I would guess that it would be easier to glamour someone you haven't known that long, but it could backfire and creep them out. This is why it would be important spike IOI glamouring. But it is very important to take step two, because once you smirk, you can't go back to step two without completely creeping them out. You're gonna smirk to ease tension anyway, so why not take another swing before you show that you are willing to "expose your hand"?
I guess it will take practice, but I will field test some glamouring this week and update. I'd like to hear some results from you guys.
I glamoured two chicks this weekend and didn't even realize that I did it until after I did it.
2. If it doesn't work, try it again in the same exact tone, but then wink (or lick your lips), but don't smile. (IOI Glamouring).
3. If that still doesn't work, repeat it again in the exact same tone, wink (or lick your lips), but then SMIRK (not smile) and tilt your head to the side. (Spike IOI Glamouring)
Remember..glamouring doesn't come from the eyes and comes from your BALLS.