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Recent post by Z, March 8, 2010

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Having been back in the field for the last few months, I've had the chance to re-evaluate a lot of my ideas about things from before my LTR. And while I always thought this was true, I came to the conclusion that the single most important phase to really being good at this is what happens in the week after your initial meeting. The first time you meet, everything is great and there are no problems. You're there in the moment, she's happy, you're happy, and you pull a number and it seems like shit is going really well for you. But from what I've seen with myself and with my buddies, it's what happens in that week after that really determines whether you're going to be successful or not. All things considered, it's relatively easy to get a number or an ONS. Being able to turn that into something consistent is an entirely different skill and a huge part of why most guys have trouble with flakes.

So what I'm going to do here is give some concrete, real life examples of how I run my shit after an initial meetup. I'm going to give you three different examples, all of them are from the last two weeks. Two of them were successful, one was not. And hopefully I can make some sense out of why that happened and everything.

One thing to keep in mind with me is that after initial meetups, I am exclusively text message-based. Why? Because as much as you want to think that you made such a great impression that night and that she really wants to talk to you, the fact is that when she wakes up the next morning, she's going to have normal fears. And say what you want, but a phone call from some guy she met out the night before can be a little daunting, especially since most chicks have met some pretty nuts guys along the way. So texting requires a little less commitment from her, but still can get things moving in the right direction.

So here we go.

Situation #1 - HBDrunk

Met this chick out at a bar a couple weeks ago. Ended up swinging it into an ONS at her place, then she decided to kick me out at 4 in the morning because she was completely irrational. I pulled a # as I was leaving her house at that point. Called her the next day, no answer. No big deal. Waiting until the day after, then started this exchange:

Z: So I finally recovered from my hangover from two nights ago.
HB: I know! I don't think we should've done all those shots.
Z: Yeah, or the jaegerbombs that were just a glass of jaeger with a drop of Red Bull.
HB: Ugggh gross, those were awful. Btw I'm sorry for kicking you out the other night, I guess my drunkness hit me.
Z: Yeah it's cool, on the plus side my cab driver didn't charge me for some reason.
HB: That's awesome! Why'd he do that?
Z: Well I told him you kicked me out of the house, so I think he kinda assumed I lived there and felt bad for me.
HB: Haha that's hilarious, what'd you do today?
Z: Just played some basketball and watching some of the Olympics, you?
HB: Run, gym, hung out with some of my friends, pretty relaxing/
Z: Nice, well anyways I gotta head out to dinner, but let's meet up later this week and grab some drinks.
HB: Alright, sounds good!

That's pretty much my standard first text conversation. The biggest problem I see with most guys and texting is that they try to do way too much. Keep it simple, keep it low-key, and drop in a couple things here and there. So a couple days later, she hits me up with this:

HB: Can't wait to get out of work and grab a glass of wine.
Z: Or you could just drink on the job and see what happens.
HB: Yeah, my boss would love that.
Z: Yeah he told me he's usually pretty sauced when he goes home at the end of the day.
HB: Haha, I bet, so how was work today?
Z: Not bad, I'm about to go to the gym, but how about I meet you at XYZ on Thursday and we'll hang out for a bit.
HB: Sounda good, what time?
Z: I figure I'll be done around 7, so let's do 830 or 9, I'll text you when I'm heading out then.
HB: Alright, see you then!

Done deal. Day2 set up, texted her the night of it, and that was it. Keep it simple. Chicks aren't looking for you to sweep them off your feet in the first messages and calls you give them. They want to know you're a normal guy who has a normal life and not some crazy stalker guy. Save the attraction material for when you meet up with her in person. Your calls and texts should be about getting towards that meet.

One thing to keep in mind is not to push for it right away. Give it a few exchanges, talk about some shit, and then just pull out of the conversation and leave it like that at the end. Simple. Don't overcomplicate. I can't say this enough.

Situation #2 - HBAirport

Met this girl in the airport a week or two ago, happened to be on the same flight. We hung out at the bar for a few hours since our plane was delayed, shit was going really well. Got on the plane, grabbed her number getting off it, and everything was going pretty well. Texted her after the weekend since I was pretty busy the next couple days.

Z: So I got attacked by a goose on the golf course, how did the bachelorette party turn out?

No response. Probably a bit too weird of a first text even though it was true, but for whatever reason, didn't get anything from her. Tried again last night.

Z: Hey so your boy David Lee hit the gamewinning shot the other night, not bad.

No response again. Tried it twice, she's done at this point. Hard to tell exactly what happened here, but I do think the first text was a bit weird. I also was still pretty drunk at the time, so I might've just put her phone number in wrong. Not sure. The world didn't end. Oops.

Situation #3 - HBSoccer

Met this chick about a couple days ago out at a bar. Started shooting the shit with her for a couple minutes, was getting a really good vibe but she got dragged away by her friends and had to take off. We had talked about getting together to play on a soccer team in a few weeks. Grabbed a number from her and texted her RIGHT AWAY after she left.

Z: Hey lets play some soccer.
HB: Haha oh Z, I will attempt to find you on face book and send you think link. I may also quiz you sporadically on history throughout the weekend.

I didn't respond until the next day.

Z: Not bad, you spelled my name right the first time...and my history skills are unmatched, bring your a-game.

Didn't get a response that whole day. But the next day, she responds.

HB: Was unsuccessful in finding you on facebook.
Z: Try it under "Z" and see if anything comes up.
HB: Yup! Just sent the link!
Z: Soccer league looks pretty sweet, let's do it up.
HB: Alright good to hear! If you can prove to me you're a decent player I'll email my friend brian and see if he can put us on the same team. But you're gonna have to tell me something impressive to convince me you're any good...
Z: I taught ronaldinho how to play soccer, he was my protege
HB: Haha alright that works, what's your position?
Z: I can either go up top or in the midfield, you?
HB: I generally play defense, I was never very good at shooting.
Z: You should've been a football kicker so you could kick over the goal.
HB: Haha very true, I could be a soccer style kicker like Ray Finkle (I hope you get the reference)
Z: Haha yeah former nickname "the mule", one of my favorite movies.
HB: Good to know you have exceptional taste in movies.
Z: Yeah, every now and then I get it right...anyways I gotta get some sleep since I'm up early tomorrow, but let's grab some drinks later this week.
HB: Cool, I'm free any night after Tuesday, good night!

So I'm seeing her this Wednesday. I'll let you know how it goes, but it looks solid at this point.

As you can see, I was a bit different in this approach. I will text the same night as a meet pretty often just because I feel like it gets the chick used to dealing with me over the phone while she's still in a good state with me. So it kind of anchors her to that. Don't buy all this shit about waiting or whatever. I text when I want to, but I wait for a response. Don't panic if she doesn't respond right away or whatever. I've had to wait 2-3 days sometimes but still ended up turning them around.

What it comes down to is this:

1. Be normal. Don't try to run ultra-high energy attraction shit. IT WILL BE WEIRD.
2. Play it cool for 8-10 exchanges, then get out and drop the idea of a meet. This is all about being low-key, and being able to walk away from the convo.
3. Text whenever you want. Don't worry about waiting or not waiting or whatever.
4. Don't be a pussy.

I think that's about all I have to say. This seems pretty long now, so I hope someone actually reads it. I probably wouldn't since I don't like long posts. But maybe you'll like it. Enjoy. Comments and shit welcome. Hit it.

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