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How many of you play video games? Most of you. And we call this, "The Game." The art of seducing women. We are all here to learn this skill.
Remember your favourite game? The most addicting game? I can list dozens. Counter-Strike, Day of Defeat, Vandal Hearts, BF2, Jedi Academy, Mechwarrior. The list is looooong.
I am a very talented gamer. Or rather a very dedicated one.
Then I discovered seduction. I read everything. I tried everything. Every night and every day I thought, wrote, and practiced. Four years as of this summer. Every girl I cold approached was a new game. A new level. And I failed much more than I won. You always fail more than you win. That's how to get good. Embrace failure.
I no longer have a video game system in my house. Why? I would come home from work, and press, "power," before I even took my shoes off. I would log on and start fragging away. It wasn't even fun. It was just a routine. I was a master. I slay all enemies. And then I would go to sleep at four am--completely unfulfilled. Minimal growth.
I had learned all I needed to learn about that game. To continue playing was only fueling an addiction. An addiction to routine.
Would anyone care to hear my sniper stats--other than hardcore gamers? Ever hear a young pickup guy talking social dynamics to civilians? Pretty lame, and weird.
If you are new at this--good for you. Be all that you can be. But be aware. When you are playing for validation from other gamers, and you are not putting energy into any other hobbies. You are addicted. Addicted to routine and validation.
For advanced guys. Top posters. Do you want to be a guru? Why? You want to be a super star?
Think about that. Why do you wish to teach seduction?
Sense of belonging
Sense of purpose
Sense of Identity?
Picking up girls is no harder than besting Mario 3 while drunk. That may sound arrogant on my part. I don't know your dedication level. I don't know your intelligence or creativity level. But this is for you advanced guys. The ones that still post on a daily basis. That still see every attractive woman as a set, that still read every ebook, every hot forum thread, every dvd product.
Do you love the game? Yes. You love to pick up girls. It makes you feel good. It makes her feel good.
Do you love to tell everyone about what you learned? Of course. It helps out guys and you gain props from your peers.
Do you love power? Do you love money? Do you love fame?
If you want to be a famous pick up artist, here is a simple formula:
1. Practice for several years until you "Get it."
2. Develop a brand or an image.
3. Write an ebook. Re-phrase common self help or seduction teachings so they appear unique.
4. Post crap loads of free, high quality in-field footage that links to your website.
5. Start touring lairs and holding free seminars.
There you go. You can get off the forums now. You really don't need them all that much. People will speak for you.
Now. Do you want to be a famous guru? Most of the advanced guys consider this. Many dabble in teaching commercially, including myself. I've banked a few grand teaching. I met my students off craigslist with simple ads like, "Get any woman!" It's not too hard to find a student here or there.
Do you reeeeaaaalllly want to be a famous pick up artist? Do you understand fame? Think about that. You are famous for seducing women. Sugar coat it all you want. In the eyes of are a douchebag.
You can brand yourself like David D as the lovable guy, or as Brad P, the mysterious one. But for the most part you are a douchebag. But who cares right? You don't care what anyone thinks about you.
Try it.
Go out and tell a few of your friends you are a professional dating coach. Or better yet, bring it up at a party. Watch how the energy shifts. Try this for a month and you will understand why you may want to keep your career a secret. It's like announcing you are a witch to the church.
Pick up isn't the only way to find fame. But it sure is a great way to deal with it. And that's only for you. There are other hobbies out there friends. Because I get the feeling that many of you have a vision that involves selling your product, starting your own companies and all that. That's great. All the power to you. But if it's a legacy and a sense of self worth you are after then be prepared. To rise to the top you will need to be visible. People are going to scrutinize you, and your character, and your intentions. People are going to fear and hate you. You are not a rockstar. You are not Tony Robbins. You teach Pick-up. You are sleazy» and weird.
Of course you aren't though are you? You're not weird at all! All you want to do is help people and if fame comes be it. So ask yourself this. If you have this figured out and you are getting the girls you want, yet you don't want to be a guru. You don't want a following. You don't want the glory. Why are you still in the community? Why are you still here reading this post?
Why do you still spend so much energy on a game you have beaten? Isn't that a bit.....obsessive compulsive?
Get what you need, help those in need, get out. If you are going to teach then go teach. Make in-field videos and deal with the consequences. But for the love of god get out of community and normalize. Quit thinking about pickup. Unlearn what you have learned. That's when you will become whole again.
This is for those of you that are spinning the hamster wheel. Especially you aspiring guru's. You know who you are.
(I just spent the night partying with a few famous dating gurus from a big company. And trust me, they do the same thing we do. They fail happily until something bites. And no they don't like it when drunk dudes ask them stupid questions about game in public, but that is their life. It's embarrassing really. I felt embarrassed because I wanted to ask the same questions. Just go out and practice. Learn to close. That's it.)
I love to write. I love to tell tales about my adventures. I love to brag about my conquests. I love to bang hot girls. I love to improve myself.