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What's New on Fast Seduction 101 - mASF Post - “Internet dates- 3 basic steps”

Recent post by jetsetjim, March 19, 2010

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Original discussion thread:

I was at a starbucks cafe today, sitting next to a couple who were obviously on a internet "day1" date.

The guy was a local doctor, and the chick a Russian. She sat there talking while he sat there fantasizing about bending her over and fucking her like a billy goat.

Don't let this be you.

I realized that my internet day1s have a reasonably high success rate because, simply put, I am VASTLY more interesting than the norm.

These two talked about UTTERLY BORING SHIT. Where they were from, family, etc etc. It was almost painful. The guy actually starts talking about how great his condo is, the pool, hot tub, etc etc etc. WTF? I could tell he was hoping she would respond "Vell vy dont you show me zis vundeful hottub, you sexy man?" Yeah, right. I could almost hear the chicks pussy drying up.

So, some lessons to be learned:

1- Avoid coffee shop dates. If you are advanced PUA, its not a big deal, but coffee shop screams "No first date sex."

Instead, go to a dive bar or some other skeezy place.

2- DO NOT TALK about where you are from, your family, your job, your house, car, or any hobbies unless they are fucking amazing DHV shit (like you play guitar in a rock band or something).

If she tries to talk about that stuff, say "Thats boring shit."

I have done this. I then say, "Let's talk about this instead"- and I pull out some chick crack. Styles Evolution Phase shift. Strawberry fields...there's a ton of them. You can also EV and challenge her "Whats the most adventuresome thing you've ever done" and transition to sex talk. Sex is way more interesting to women than your job. Trust me.

3- Kino. The TINIEST BIT of kino is better than no kino at all. Most guys dont kino at all. Most women wear a ring or other piece of jewelry- take her hand and examine the ring, then ask what the story is behind it (there is ALWAYS a story). Congrats- you've just given her more kino than the previous 10 chodes she went on internet dates with. Thumb wrestle. Move her to where you want her to sit ...

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