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What's New on Fast Seduction 101 - mASF Post - “Compliance Stacking”

Recent post by Regal, April 1, 2010

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Hey gentlemen, here's another one for the board. Posting about stacking compliance to get girls invested more rapidly and more easily. Thoughts / comments / feedback welcomed and appreciated. Cheers


Getting investment from the women you meet is key to succeeding with them. As you get increasing amounts of compliance from girls, they become more and more comfortable having you take the lead and doing what you ask of them. They respond more positively to you in every way.

You want to get compliance early and often; the more you get, the more quickly things progress, and the more smoothly. Get a woman contributing from the start, and you improve your chances of success with her.

Now... want a way to do all that faster, better, and more efficiently, with stronger results?

In an effort to make things easier for all the men out there in the trenches, in pursuit of love – and lovemaking! – here's an extraordinarily simple, and extraordinarily effective, tool for getting lots of compliance very quickly. It's a compliance technique I call Compliance Stacking.

Ellen Langer of Harvard University had a fascinating study of people's likelihood to accommodate the request of others wanting to cut in line at a copying machine. The result was an overwhelming percentage of people (93%) allowed the line cutter to cut so long as he simply gave a reason for why they should (vs. 60% when he gave no reason) – no matter what the reason was. Regardless of whether he asked, “May I cut, because I'm in a rush?” or, “May I cut, because I need to make copies?” the percentage allowing him in remained nearly identical (94% vs. 93%). The reason didn't matter – just the fact that he gave one. When you use Compliance Stacking, you're making use of the human tendency to be more accommodating when you simply give a reason.

Here's how it works: you request one piece of compliance, and use that compliance to stack additional compliance on top of it. Because you're using the compliance she's already giving you as the reason for the additional compliance, you will get get the additional compliance you've requested. Close to 100% of the time. Tested so extensively by yours truly I'd call it an integral part of my game at this point – not even something I think about normally. It's just about second nature.

But let me give you an example of what I mean. Let's say you're relaxing at the bar, talking to a girl you've just met. Maybe it's just small talk, casual conversation, and she's not showing a great deal of interest just yet. Perfect time to get some investment. Once you get girls investing, you'll nearly always see a spike in attraction from them, and getting some early compliance can oftentimes make the difference between you parting ways with that girl you've just met, or you spending more time with her and getting to know her a whole lot better.

So that girl you've just met, you notice she has a piece of jewelry on her hand or her wrist. You point to it and say, “Wow, that's totally cool. Let me see that; give me your hand.” Unless she's having a really bad day, she's not going to say no to this, so she gives you her hand.

Compliance +1

Once you have her hand, you put your other hand on her arm and tug her closer to you.

Compliance +1

Then you lift her hand up in front of your face, and turn it around as you inspect the jewelry.

Compliance +1

Finally, you lower it down, still holding her hand in yours.

Compliance +1

And right there, you used one compliance demand from her to get four separate acts of compliance, because you simply assumed compliance – and got it. Because you have a reason for that compliance, she goes along with it unquestioningly – all the while allowing you to do these things to her – which is compliance.

Here's another example. Let's go the verbal route this time. Say you're talking to a girl and you do a little screening on her. “What kind of creative stuff do you do?” you ask. She smiles and tells you she does art. Her telling you this is her qualifying herself to you in response to your screen, which is an investment she's making in the connection the two of you share.

Compliance +1

“No way,” you tell her in response to her declaration she does art. “That's extremely cool. Tell me about your art,” you say, giving her a compliance demand. So she starts telling you.

Compliance +1

As she's telling you about her art, you interrupt her to tell her, “Move closer, I'm having a little trouble hearing you,” and you pull her in closer to you. She acquiesces, squeezing up against you.

Compliance +1

Once she's moved closer, you stack on that and tell her, “Ok, sorry. Keep going,” a command for her to continue telling you about her art.

Compliance +1

You've just gotten four acts of compliance out of a simple screening question. Pretty powerful stuff, huh?

You can use Compliance Stacking to stack compliance very quickly from even the most simple little compliance requests or demands. Once she's giving you just a little compliance, it's often very easy to grow out of that organically and stack compliance on top of it. Just a few rules to mention:

• Only do stuff that's natural. If she's telling you a story, naturally it makes sense for the two of you to get more comfortable, but it doesn't usually make sense for her to hold your hand (unless she's telling you the story about how she felt when she first locked eyes with you). Stacking compliance that doesn't belong makes the interaction feel strange, fake, and forced, and will cause her to begin pulling away, mentally and physically. Keep your compliance that stems from the situation organically, and you'll do well

• Keep it sane. Stack a few different kinds of compliance in your Compliance Stack, but stop short of going crazy. Three or four is enough. If you're asking for a whole long string of compliance, make sure you have a really good reason (and by “really good reason”, I mean a reason that SHE thinks is really good!)

• Avoid overusing Compliance Stacks. Use too many of them and an interaction can begin feeling contrived – like every time you ask her for something, you're going to ask her to do three or four things. Better to throw stacks in there here and there when you need to escalate compliance fast and get more investment

Compliance Stacking is an excellent, effective way for you to get a woman invested in you and her interactions with you very quickly. Use it well, and you may find it rapidly becomes one of the most powerful and consistently called upon tools in your arsenal.

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