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What's New on Fast Seduction 101 - mASF Post - “the break up”

Recent post by mankite, [Month Day Year]

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Ever see the scene where the old master is with the young student and the young student wants to know ..

"How do I learn the skills that you teach ?"

Then the old master offers the young student some tea .. he pours the tea into the cup that the student holds out and keeps pouring .. it fills the cup and starts to overflow and burn the students fingers.

Of course the student does not understand what the old guy is doing ... he states a complaint about wasted tea or burning fingers ...

Then comes the lesson ... you have to first empty the cup before adding more tea .. and even though the cup only holds a little .. the pot holds more and each time the cup is filled it must be comsumed before more tea can be added ...

This is also true in game ... you must empty your cup of women before you can go and get more .. you MUST next the ones on the fence .. the ones who have issues ... the ones that (although a great catch) are too logistically difficult .. like they live too far away or have too many kids or they have expensive taste but no money ... and other shit like that !

So .. what happens when you move to dismiss the marginal possibilities ?

First you will get accused of something .. like you are scared or frightened by a powerful woman ! Then she will label you and call you out with shit tests and imagined complex contrivances that are designed to tug on your heart strings and shred your masculine frame of mind.

You will catch yourself responding to this ... Stop It !

If you stand your ground ... (and dont show any signs of being kicked in the balls) ... the next thing you will encounter is rage .. only slightly at first .. an insult or two .. then ridicule ... and finally a heaping helping of disdane and disgust.

Do not fall for it .. hold your ground.

At this point it is useless to try and regain your previous status becuase her perception of you has changed ... she will have many many many patterns that will fit her new perception and you will be out gunned ... pick your battles wisely ... dont engage in any echanges that feel even slightly negative because the suprise "gotcha" is hidden in there somewhere.

Instead ... be the father in the man ... let her know that you are only doing what is right ... you want the best for her and the best is yet to come .. make claim to being less perfect than she thinks you are and that living up to her expectations is not possible for you (due to mental illness and bad gas .. or whatever) and that you really want her to have what she deserves, which is someone who better fits her model ...


you do this because you care about her ... you want the best for her .. and you know that you're a low down dirty scoundrel in comparison. (and humbly so ..)

It will hurt ...

It will be a knock out blow to your frame and state ...

It will illicit in you the need to talk about it to others so that you do not feel all alone ..

But for your sake ... DO NOT GIVE IN .. do not supplicate ... make your decision and fucking stick to it ....

Next the bitches ... Do not engage them in the real reasons .. always come from a frame of love, care and concern.

but never never never give in !!

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