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All the fancy sexy stuff that's the vogue these days, the SOIs, building sexual tension, sexual frames that's all well and good too, it's hot.
Ultimately the guys who get laid the most are naturally charismatic. ANYONE talking to them, regardless if it's a girl at a club or an old man on the street will want to kick it with them.
But what in the fuck is charisma, and how do you develop it?
Some symptoms:
2) Witty/funny/fun
3) Large social circle. Some effort goes in here, but overall just being a socialite that everyone wants to hang with is more the cause of this.
I guess there's other shit, like good eye contact, posture, etc. but everyone knows those things already.
So how the fuck do you build this?
You can work on these attributes separately.
I guess you can make an effort with the large social circle. Try to talk to people often, find commonalities and work facebook, etc.
#1 is hard to work on though. You can remove the filter in your mind and just talk, but still if you don't have much to say..you don't have much to say.
Some things that could come to mind would be to: gather more and more various experiences in life, travel frequently, go to very random environments and make yourself chat up people there to build social versatility.
Toastmasters? (public speaking, essentially)
There's got to be more...how does one develop natural charisma?
Techniques are well and good, they add good spice to interactions, they put you in situations that you otherwise wouldn't get into.
But neither of these things are the foundation.
1) Very talkative and outspoken. Can lead the conversation in the group and be the most interesting person in a room
Like with witty/funny/fun I've been working on: 1) improv classes 2) watching comedy 3) going through comedy writing secrets and doing the exercises. It's VERY slow going though.