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There is a recurring thought I get when I watch a movie I have recorded on TiVo.
(For those of you who don't know, TiVo is a kind of digital video recorder that allows you to program in advance the shows and movies you want recorded from your cable or satellite supplier, to be watched at your leisure in the future).
I have dozens of films that my TiVo has recorded for me. All of these films are films that I want to see sometime, either because I'm curious about them or I have heard they are good, or I've seen them before and I want to watch them again.
Even so, most of these films just stay unwatched on my machine.
This is a bit strange, as I know that I want to watch them sometime, however my TV time is usually invested otherwise.
What usually happens when I have 2 hours to sit in front of the tv is that instead of choosing one of my recorded films, I have an amazing urge to watch something/anything thats being aired at the same moment.
What is absurd is that sometimes I will settle for shows or films that don't interest me that much. The reason that I do is because I know that whatever is being aired at the moment is not something I am recording, and therefore not something I will have the chance to see again!
Pretty silly but I have tried to analyze my behavior and thats what I come to. The "fear" of losing something; of missing a chance that wont come back, even if it is of less value than my movies I have recorded.
And this is the clinch of it: my movies are recorded. They are always there. always. I can watch them whenever I want. They are great movies, funny movies, interesting movies and they are always there, waiting for me to watch them. So why should I watch them now, if something new and maybe better might come on??
And this ladies and germs, is my analogy to women and their orbiters.
As you know (cougerhunter wrote a nice post about orbiters in January), orbiters are guys that are in contact with their target, they talk, tease, call, meet up etc with their target over periods of time, however are unable to close the deal and move into the fuck zone:
sitting on the sidelines and watching their target get pounded by her flavor of the day, whilst he believes that one day it will be his turn, if he just "gets his game tuned right" with her.
He will probably not fuck her ever. maybe he will, I'm not saying it isn't possible, however its very difficult to make the leap from orbiter to penetrater. This is (imho) like my TiVo example, and this is the analogy.
To HB's, orbiters are like their movies they have recorded on TiVo. The movies all look "fuckable", however they will always be there waiting to be fucked, so why fuck them when there is a world of movies to "fuck" every day that might not be there again in the future?
So, my sweet and loveable orbiters out there. delete your asses from her TiVo recorder and become a prime time show that she just might never get to watch again if she doesn't "watch" you NOW!
Hi guys,