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IMPORTANT NOTE: Get enough lays to become gPUA before starting this. rAFC vibes will make this 100% impossible. rAFCs should actually avoid DF like the plague. "The DF is a TRAP!" -Mystery
Physique Training Misc Training
(DF= Dance Floor, DD= Dirty Dancing)
DD Training
-Bring gf/pivot clubbing, and practice DD (a somewhat minimalistic 'dance' guided entirely by the crescendo of sexual vibes).
-Go to rock clubs and learn to bust out rock moves when digging to music.
(Notice.. I said nothing about solo dancing in DF! AVOID THAT!! And dont take a dance class either, cos that will interfere with learning proper DD.)
-If you are not with the GYM program, GET ON IT!!
-If not with the POSTURE program, get into that too (posture is a key key key attractor on and around dance floors).
(Behold, your body is the BAIT! So make it look super TEMPTING and TASTY!)
-Practice the 'butt bump' and other physical openers.
-Practice the ASS TAUNT move where you kinda bounce your ass in a girls direction, then giggle at her.
-Notince the light kino in the beginning of DD, and practice using it to initiate DD.
-Practice moving her hands near (not on) your dick to create sexual tension.
(if you search my archive for 'dance floor', you will find more details on these)
Doing all this training, it still took me a few years to become the natural.. but it doesnt take a lot to occasionally hook girls like this. Just include these as 'side missions' for your sarges, and you will sooner or later get to point where you can get nearly any girl on/by DF. Make sure you have fun with it too!!