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What's New on Fast Seduction 101 - mASF Post - “It's not YOU it's the SEX”

Recent post by 60 years of challenge, May 17, 2010

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It's the Pleasure

Some of the most effective methods for picking up women quickly all seem to have ONE important thing in common. Whether it be putting out a seductive vibe, escalating quickly, using sex talk or being physically aggressive - there is always one KEY ingredient present that makes it all work.

And that is...

For the most part these methods are selling the PLEASURE first and YOU second

* In many instances I will be replacing the word (sex) with the word (pleasure) to help the reader better understand the main idea of the article.

When you use seductive eye contact and get close quickly you are basically selling sex. When you talk freely and openly about your sexual desires you are offering pleasure. When you grab her hand, spin her around and pull her very close to you all in the first ten seconds you are giving her an opportunity to feel good.

In contrast, when your main focus is on trying to be interesting and funny , saying the right "words" and bringing the "value" you are trying to sell YOU.

Now I know you are a cool guy - but YOU are definitely not more interesting, funny and witty than PLEASURE. If other situations you will have lots of time to sell her on YOU - but to pull a girl you just met quickly I would you argue that the most effective way is to sell her on the idea PLEASURE.

Take it Personal

It's also harder NOT to take resistance personally when you use verbal methods that focus around trying to sell YOU. Here you are trying to convey the best of your personality and revealing intimate details about yourself to her - and she is basically not interested. Ouch. You can forget about being persistent.

Are you going out at night trying to convince women of the idea of YOU (and possibly sex at a later time) or is your game centered around selling her the idea of SEX (hopefully with you). If you are spending 90% of your effort on promoting YOU and only 10% on offering PLEASURE you might want to reverse that.

The truth is YOU are not that important. Sex is a very pleasurable experience on it's own. YOU are replaceable. Not convinced - just take a look at the transfer of buying temperature. You get a girl all worked up and in the mood for sex and then some other guy swoops in and reaps the benefits.

Think about it. How much of what happens is because of what you said or did and how much is just that sex feels good and women like it. Is it you or the experience itself? Let's be fair and say it's a mix of both. I know, I know - we would all love to think it was only due to our good looks and awesome game.

It can be hard to put your ego aside and admit that your best quality is that you can offer her pleasure. If you are talking to a group of girls, even if you are trying to be polite, why do you still automatically ignore the unattractive one. Because she can't offer you pleasure. It's not fair but that's life. Women are the same way - if you are not offering pleasure you will be ignored.

Women Love Pleasure

One thing to keep in mind is that sex is probably the most pleasurable experience we can have. We all love to feel pleasure and obviously women are no different. It can take a guy a long time before he finally internalizes the mindset "women love sex" but it seems to click instantly when you simply tell him "women love pleasure".

I mean it's not like you are out at the bars trying to convince women to risk their lives and go climb a dangerous mountain with you. Just imagine if to get a girl home you had to convince her to run a marathon with you. Now that would be hard - selling the idea of pleasure is easy.

Keep in mind we are selling a product that women want to buy. That's why it's such a joke when you see a guy buying the excuses women give for still not getting physical after several dates. Again, it's not like we are asking her to loan us $10,000 dollars - we are talking about pleasure here.

Would a drug user turn down a line of coke. Well sex is a drug (it releases powerful pleasure chemicals into the body) and best of all it's free. In other words, if there is some "mutual" interest - engaging in an activity as pleasurable as sex is really doesn't take that much convincing. Most times sex sells itself.

I really feel like the decision to have sex is mostly mood based. Meaning after a seduction becomes overt and mutual it's really not about you anymore. The question becomes can you get her in the mood for sex (arouse her). I mean you've already shown her how cool you are - she likes you. You don't need to create more attraction (aka selling yourself)'s time to sell the PLEASURE.

Of course the fact that you are confident and comfortable with your sexuality says really good things about you. It's attractive no doubt. But don't lose sight of the fact that it's because you are offering her an opportunity for PLEASURE that is so appealing.

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