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Player Guide: If she's working

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If she's working

You: "You must get awfully tired by the end of the night,"

Her: (nodding)

You: "Do you ever get a chance to go on vacation?"

Her: (something)

You: "If you were to take a real vacation in your ideal spot, what would it be like?"

Her: (describing her ideal vacation spot) (Play along with her fantasy, offer her some more descriptions in the same line. If she asks you the same, answer with "Before I answer that…")

You: "Let me ask you something else. You know that feeling you have when you get home after a hard day of work and all you can think about is stripping off your clothes and sliding into a hot bath or taking a shower? Which do you prefer? A Bath or a shower?"

Her: "Bath"

You: "You know how sometimes, before you even get in, you imagine the heat just working its way through every part of your body and then you actually slide in, and that warmth just takes you and you surrender to it? (have something is store for a shower as well:)"

Her: (something)

You: "What's your name?"

Her: "Myname"

You: "Well, Myname, it's really been fun talking to you. It's too bad that we won't get the chance to do it again without all these distractions and interruptions."

Her: (If she doesn't catch the hint, then before you leave…)

You: "You know, I meant what I said about it being fun talking to you. Maybe we could meet for coffee sometime. Like tomorrow?"

See also:
If she says "Why do you ask?"

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